New Grower High everyone

Jun 1, 2015
Reaction score
my first attempt at Autoflowers pls help!
I got a 5 pack from Cks Early Miss. I followed through with their germination method with two seeds. After paper towel method I noticed tap root wasn't coming out much as I had thought it would but I planted anyway after a few days and no sight of seedling I got impatient and started to dig looking for the seed but couldn't find it. Put the pots on balcony next day or so I saw root popping out on the side of pot not where I planted it, so my digging caused it to be moved(my bad). Root is sticking out with no cotlyedon leaves perhaps they got stuck in she'll when coming up. Is this baby a goner or is there hope for it still?
Hey man,
You can save it. I had three do exactly what you're saying last week. Carefully dig it up and replant it root down. If the leaves already opened leave them above ground and don't pack the dirt in to tight. Be careful when watering as to not float it back up.
@seasickdee2 @stepside thnx for responding guys that's it's stem cotlyedon leaves were pulled off (by a curious baby) can it survive after this?
You got me there. You might want to ask someone else with more knowledge than myself. Or just drop another and continue on
Seedling didn't make it, after poor germination results I contacted CkS explained what I was doing and lovely customer service lady Lisa sent me a 5 pack. I followed through directions and I have success!, what I was doing wrong was I would put in jar water wait for seed to crack and seen tap root then I would put to paper towel. This was wrong first seed to water glass then to paper towel wait for tap root then to soil
Just a update on cks early miss. I went through a 5 pack no luck I contacted customer service and let them know of my poor results. cks rep sent me out another 5 pack. Tried again I got one successful plant growing on now at day 51 , 7 weeks from seed. Cks has great customer service but I had waisted a lot of time & effort! $55/5 pack is reasonable but saying I tried 10 seeds to only get one successful plant is not worth the hassle I had plans on having,at least 3 out of 5 for the spring summer season and I had planned on taking advantage of summer weather and using my balcony but it never worked out that way for me[emoji36] r.i.p to summer and my seeds that never happened [emoji25]
I am from Ontario Canada and I went with Crop king seeds because they are Canadian as well and based out of BC and I knew mail would be fast and discreet.
Just a update on cks early miss. I went through a 5 pack no luck I contacted customer service and let them know of my poor results. cks rep sent me out another 5 pack. Tried again I got one successful plant growing on now at day 51 , 7 weeks from seed. Cks has great customer service but I had waisted a lot of time & effort! $55/5 pack is reasonable but saying I tried 10 seeds to only get one successful plant is not worth the hassle I had plans on having,at least 3 out of 5 for the spring summer season and I had planned on taking advantage of summer weather and using my balcony but it never worked out that way for me[emoji36] r.i.p to summer and my seeds that never happened [emoji25]
I am three for three with two different breeders. I just put them in a ph'ed rapidrooter.
Sorry about your bad luck man.