Live Stoner Chat Hi from Scotland

when I was young I use to pack a soap bar/baccy mix in my trusty 3ft homemade bong before I went to sleep, the second I woke up id take a big fat hit off her and melt back into my bed. if I did that now id probably end up in a&e with my lungs hanging inside out from my mouth!

nice man we used to hide our smoking contraptions in the woods beside the high school and I used to build multi chamber bongs out of small irn bru bottles to try and filter the soapy I called them advent calenders (cant remember why). I got to mark 28 and my mum used to burn them when she found them. I also made a lung out of a fire extinguisher that was capable of burning major amounts of solid without the taker being aware of what was in it. Happy days!
lol, oh them was the days. I remmebr going to the festival of the sea in bristol harbor with school, we brought a bong with us (we brought a bong everywhere). the teacher that took us there was singing sea shantys or something like that and thats why we went, he was introducing his friends to the class when he noticed the bong sticking out from under a jacket. he was so angry & embarressed he grabbed it and thrust it up in the air holding it like he just found the holy fucking grail and announced at the top of his most angry loud voice infront of thousands and thousands of people, familys, schools........... ITS A BONG!!!!! I swaer I can still hear his words echoing around the harbor walls to this day.

Id have loved to have a go on your fire extinguisher, we made lungs from 3-5L plasstic bottles and a plastic bag. spliffs stuck in the end of toilet roll/kitchen roll tubs (the boo tubes), buckets, hot knifws pretty much any way you could smoke but never really smoked spliffs
ha ha those were the days great story one to tell the grandchildren SAM_0054.jpg SAM_0055.jpg 19122011103.jpg i will look out my usb microscope not getting a good photo with the camera
ha ha it was called soap bar very low grade pollen solid think it was mixed with all sorts henna/old shoes
Welcome to the site! Looks like you're off to a good start :smokebuds:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SOAPBAR (it's called "soap" because a 250g bar is shaped like a bar of soap) is perhaps the most common type of hash in the UK and it is often the most polluted.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Now, not all soap is bad of course, but some certainly is. At worst there may only be a tiny amount of low grade hash mixed with some very strange stuff: [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Beeswax, turpentine, milk powder, ketamine, boot polish, henna, pine resin, aspirin, animal turds, ground coffee, barbiturates, glues and dyes plus carcinogenic solvents such as Toluene and Benzene [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is what happens under prohibition. If your pint down the pub contained any of these nasty things wouldn't you complain? Of course you would, well now its time to complain about polluted cannabis supplies.

nice I am surprised I am still breathing we used to smoke alot of soapy would not recommend trying it :bong: