lol, oh them was the days. I remmebr going to the festival of the sea in bristol harbor with school, we brought a bong with us (we brought a bong everywhere). the teacher that took us there was singing sea shantys or something like that and thats why we went, he was introducing his friends to the class when he noticed the bong sticking out from under a jacket. he was so angry & embarressed he grabbed it and thrust it up in the air holding it like he just found the holy fucking grail and announced at the top of his most angry loud voice infront of thousands and thousands of people, familys, schools........... ITS A BONG!!!!! I swaer I can still hear his words echoing around the harbor walls to this day.
Id have loved to have a go on your fire extinguisher, we made lungs from 3-5L plasstic bottles and a plastic bag. spliffs stuck in the end of toilet roll/kitchen roll tubs (the boo tubes), buckets, hot knifws pretty much any way you could smoke but never really smoked spliffs