Live Stoner Chat Hi from Scotland

cant beleive it dropped my thermometer and took the top of the biggest one looks like i am trying a topping experiment on this low ryder 2 :mad:
oh dear :( lots of us have had similar experiences, and those who havnt are only waiting for the inevitable :P atleast you only cut her head off and not at her base. how old is she now?
alright weeman :) nice to see another scot growing his own and laying off the soap bar :D

Looking good as well, what are the big plants at the sides of yer room?
oh dear :( lots of us have had similar experiences, and those who havnt are only waiting for the inevitable :P atleast you only cut her head off and not at her base. how old is she now?

16 days I think I took a photo just before 15122011081.jpg and after 16122011082.jpg the damage. Looks like there has been alot of growth on other parts of the plant I will post a pic tomorrow.

i have got quite alot of roots coming out of the bottom of the pots and am wondering if I should transplant to bigger square pots I was planning to try them in the pots they are in now but I am leaning to planting all in big square pots like the ones at the side
alright weeman :) nice to see another scot growing his own and laying off the soap bar :D

Looking good as well, what are the big plants at the sides of yer room?

alright big yin not smoked that guff for a long time even saying it is a crime. The big plants were snow white mothers just keeping them alive sorry to let them go. I was planning to flower them with my autos but means changing light cycle to 12/12 and I think 18/6 is best for autos where are you in Scotland?
should be illegal that stuff ;)

18/6 or 20/4 or even 24/0. take yer pic but 12/12 will lose ye yield. better to start some clones while this auto run is on then flower the mothers out with the clones after the auto's are done, then go back to auto's :)

am not in scotland but wish i was, i'm a weegie stuck in sw england atm and apparently i'm now a well spoken weegie heh heh only when i'm talking to these southern farmer types.
should be illegal that stuff ;)

18/6 or 20/4 or even 24/0. take yer pic but 12/12 will lose ye yield. better to start some clones while this auto run is on then flower the mothers out with the clones after the auto's are done, then go back to auto's :)

am not in scotland but wish i was, i'm a weegie stuck in sw england atm and apparently i'm now a well spoken weegie heh heh only when i'm talking to these southern farmer types.

sound man I am going to give them to a mate to recover and get clones later I will keep my ladies on 18/6 I will need the room.

not missing much up here im in edin
Hi all here is a pic of the damaged plant looks like growth everywhere else 19122011101.jpg
when I was young I use to pack a soap bar/baccy mix in my trusty 3ft homemade bong before I went to sleep, the second I woke up id take a big fat hit off her and melt back into my bed. if I did that now id properbly end up in a&e with my lungs hanging inside out from my mouth!