New Grower Hey its me again,

No worries. I appreciate you telling me. I don't want to waste time on something if it's not don't right? Maybe I'll grow some veggies as I try to salvage the soil. Find something useful to do with these fake LEDs.

They could help add mass as side lighting. :)
Was the coco well hydrated/expanded? If it's too dense it can cause stunting. Other than that I believe Trapper covered all your bases. How deep is the coco? For your next run get some Roots Organics or similar soil (fluffy with lots of perlite) to mix with the super soil you have. Use 3 parts Roots Organics to 1 part of your super soil and mix them together. That should be plenty of nutrients for an auto and you can always add more liquid nutrients or top feed super soil if they show signs of deficiencies. Use that 3:1 mix for the bottom 1/3rd to 1/2 of your pot, then add regular Roots Organics on top of that. They'll establish themselves in the Roots before hitting the super soil and they should be good to go. Good luck!
You know now that I think about it, I ordered my carbon filter from the same people as the lights. Sho youguys think that's bad too. How would I go about checking that?