New Grower Hey its me again,

Yeah they are all autos. Ak-49, blueberry bliss, and +Speed. All placed in the soil the same time. I think my ph might be higher than what you specified. What would be the best nutrient at this point to feed them? And how would I go about lowering the ph?
idk anything about LED growing, but i cant imagine them putting off too much heat. that being said, i would go closer. I have a 400W air cooled HPS and I have it, probably 5 or 6" away from the tops of my girls.
Here's that pic right side up just for people to look at.

Well, you aren't going to like this advice and I REALLY don't mean it to sound insulting but...

to be honest...

The die has been cast on these little gals...autoflowers have "x" amount of time and
energy "on account" to expend on their vegetative and bloom phases. Half your account
for vegetative has already been spent. Can you find a way to level these gals out? Sure,
if you can chase down what exactly the problem is but that's assuming it's one problem
and that it's solvable.

My advice (from having gone through this and wanting to salvage a grow) is that it may
not be worth it, given that the outcome is likely to be a let down no matter how well you
do from here on out.

It is a tough lesson to learn but knowing when to throw in the towel on a seedling/plant
is a valuable bit of knowledge to have.

You may save yourself a bunch MORE heartache if you take a step back, do some more
examination of the grows and advice here on AFN, and try from scratch.

But this is just my follow your heart as well as your head and you'll never
go wrong! :)
The lights are some no name cheap shits I got off eBay. If the soil is the problem, then what could I do to fix this? I do have the equipment to fix the lighting. The question is whatwould be the best wattage of lights to get?
Like $29-$40 dollars cheap? Like in my link? If that's the case, they are literally useless and are actually around 14W per unit as opposed to hundreds
of watts. Once again...not trying to harsh on you, just trying to get to the source of the issue, and the super cheap ones are super cheap because they
aren't really intended for our particular endeavor.

As to the soil, if it's as I suspect and there is "photosensitive plant nutrient levels" in it, I don't think there's anything that can be done for it
short of soak/leeching all the nutrients out of it in the bath tub.
Yea like in your link. That sucks! Well the hardest part was getting gear. I guess a little more time wont hurt. Thanks for you help.
Yea like in your link. That sucks! Well the hardest part was getting gear. I guess a little more time wont hurt. Thanks for you help.

I'm just trying to help you get to a satisfactory situation that will enable success, that's all brother. :)

If budget is tight right now, look into the CFL and T5/florescent lighting section...tons of folks
knock it out of the park on the cheap :)
No worries. I appreciate you telling me. I don't want to waste time on something if it's not don't right? Maybe I'll grow some veggies as I try to salvage the soil. Find something useful to do with these fake LEDs.