with that many plants you'll be out of room in a week.....they need to be spaced out more if your wanting to grow 'monsters' other then that looks good!
I kinda stirred/raked the top of the dirt and blew off the ones that were crawling around, tamped it back down a little, covered with clean sand, and sprinkled some cinnamon on top.
Do these guys cause any physical damage or are they more of a nuisance?
Welcome to AFN Master ! looks like a fungus gnat ... if you take care of them early ...not much of a problem ...they really don't do much harm to plants however the larvae do feed on your root hairs... Easy fix ! Mosquito dunks...100% organic and do not interact with ph or bio ... $10 at walmart... or any hardware/ garden store they look like donuts ....basically they kill off the larvae(supposedly any soft bodied larvae... they are designed for bird baths & yard ponds ...kinda depends on your mediem as far as how you apply but if you have already layed sand down you should be fine ... as the young wont be able to penetrate it and the old wont be able to either to lay eggs wich they do right b the roots
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