Day 7-10
It didn't seem like it was growing fast enough and there were no roots showing after 7 days. I also had started to notice
slime forming on the bottom of the net pot.
*I had been and still am changing the res ever few days and cleaning it thoroughly every time.
When I saw the slime I figured out that I was keeping the water lever to high

and too much of the pot had been soaking in the water.
*could that have been causing the pH fluctuations?
I flicked off all the slime and let it dry out most of the day and very carefully flipped the pot upside down and removed the pot. I peeled the bottom quarter of the dirt away carefully looking for roots and found none. Removed half of the dirt and no roots at all. I put dry promix back in the bottom of the pot and gently put the plant back in.
The next day (day 8) everything looked fine no obvious signs of trauma. I went to Home depot and got another socket adapter and 4 socket splitters so I could run 6 bulbs instead of the 3 I have been.
(Day 9) Relocated the power strip inside the box to the center of the top instead of the top of the back, installed all 6, too much heat. Went back down to 4 bulbs

and put a fan outside the cab blowing more air into he intake fan.

Seemed okay.
This morning (Day 10) I saw my first roots.

Everything looked great, but checking now it looks like it may still be too warm. (no thermometer still) Leaves are starting to curl under a little and the leaves look dry. Still just plain water no nutes.
I just went back to 3 bulbs. The temp should be back to where it was before the leaves started curling. I'm going to remove that extra fan too. I want to go back to what was working and see if it improves.