Grow Room Hey I'm new here.

well depending on what soil u grow in for example coco u will want to have the ph around 5.2-5.8 or in pro mix "black earth" u could go from 5.8-6.8 ,i might not be 100% precisse but thats acording to my own experience . if its a little hydro setup well i cant help u :bong:
Yeah it's hydro. I'm thinking I'll just take a water sample to The Squid and get an exact reading. He said he's got some up and down for hydro, and I don't think he's using it anymore.
So the seed is sprouted and in the dirt.
Hoping to go see the squid in the next couple of says and get the pH thing hammered out. I'm gonna add a drop or two of vinegar and re-check with the paper color test stuff.


I need to add a little more water to the res, raise it up and cover the extra holes.
Get a splitter maybe and add a couple more air stones.
I broke the one I had trying to clean it.

*I will never again try to remove an airstone from a line once I put it on...

So does this count as day one? or the day I started the germ?
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Usually the day it breaks soil is day one. Can you get it closer to the lights? 6 inches is good until it has a set of true leaves or two then you can have it even lower since you are using cfls. As long as temps and airflow are good then it will be fine.

As far as Ph, yes it's pretty dang important. Haha. Bring it on and we'll test it an see exactly what it is and I can give you a little test course of using the Ph up and down and give you those bottles. :D
Especially with Autos..they are more sensitive than Photos.
Congrats on your sprout. Def get to squid when u can bc as squid said its very important in hydro. I have a similar set up and can't wait to see how yours does & I also running DWC. I ended up using two air pumps one tetra 40 and a tetra 10 running tandem. I had to use a metal t-valve and made the tetra40 hose longer to the t-valve than the 10 worked better that way as to when the hoses where the same lengt not sure why but I read a lot of aquarium set up stuff and that's what I got and it worked.
View attachment 198424

Than I have two 6in air stones in the res. I had to use a metal t-valve and that little black thing i forgot its name but it regulates airflow without that it won't work all air will go to one stone. View attachment 198425

Hope this helps out.
Day 1

I think I've got the pH close.
I'm calling that a 6.

I have moved it up a little bit, but I want it just a little closer...

So far so good I think. :jump:

I had some heavy typing paper covering the top of the res, but I need something better... and white.

I'm working that. I was gonna duct tape the holes, but the light still comes though, and I want a cover that I can easily remove to access the holes for adding water and taking samples.

I haven't found anything around the house that I like yet.

Hopefully I'll see squid-meister this weekend and figure out a formula for my water to keep the pH right.
This was my last grow. Big Bud XXL from Ministry of Cannabis. I didn't pick the seed, the gf bought it without telling me.

Never checked the pH, but it must not have been too bad.

The dates on the 1st pic was 3/13/12
The others are 4/5/12.
I would have been starting flowering with in a couple of days I think, but everything had to go away unfortunately.:cuss:

2012-04-05_21-26-51_650.jpg 2012-03-13_23-26-59_878.jpg

2012-04-05_21-27-50_398.jpg 2012-04-05_21-29-09_838.jpg

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Dang. Those were growing pretty good. No Ph, wow.

That Ph color is pretty good. Get it with an ever so slight orange tint and we're good. We'll sort it out though for sure. I want you growing. If the NL dies(and I hope it doesn't) no worries. I have more beans, my man.

Should be ok that close to te light for now. When it starts growing yiu can get it closer. How are your temps and humidity? Hell do you even have a guage in there? Cheap at Wally World. I know your budget is 'lack there of' but some stuff you just gotta know. Unfortunately, I dont have two or ya know one would be yours.

I think I'll be here all weekend for the most part. Lemme know, mang.

Oh right. Definitely need to block that light from getting into the reservoir. Light on roots is no bueno. :D
Aluminum foil and cardboard? Get the size and shape you need from a box or something laying around and then wrap it in a layer of foil. Voila. :smokebuds:
Day 7-10

It didn't seem like it was growing fast enough and there were no roots showing after 7 days. I also had started to notice slime forming on the bottom of the net pot.
*I had been and still am changing the res ever few days and cleaning it thoroughly every time.

When I saw the slime I figured out that I was keeping the water lever to high
and too much of the pot had been soaking in the water. *could that have been causing the pH fluctuations?

I flicked off all the slime and let it dry out most of the day and very carefully flipped the pot upside down and removed the pot. I peeled the bottom quarter of the dirt away carefully looking for roots and found none. Removed half of the dirt and no roots at all. I put dry promix back in the bottom of the pot and gently put the plant back in.

The next day (day 8) everything looked fine no obvious signs of trauma. I went to Home depot and got another socket adapter and 4 socket splitters so I could run 6 bulbs instead of the 3 I have been.

(Day 9) Relocated the power strip inside the box to the center of the top instead of the top of the back, installed all 6, too much heat. Went back down to 4 bulbs
and put a fan outside the cab blowing more air into he intake fan.
Seemed okay.

This morning (Day 10) I saw my first roots.
Everything looked great, but checking now it looks like it may still be too warm. (no thermometer still) Leaves are starting to curl under a little and the leaves look dry. Still just plain water no nutes.

I just went back to 3 bulbs. The temp should be back to where it was before the leaves started curling. I'm going to remove that extra fan too. I want to go back to what was working and see if it improves.


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