Grow Room Hey I'm new here.

Ahhh, yes... The roots couldn't grow through or into the soaked Promix, because the water was too high. Just needs to be up under the bottom of your net pot and the bubbles will splatter it up, plus since you now have roots(awesome!) they will be in the water a bit soaking up what it needs. With the Promix soaking in there it could have been screwing with the Ph yes, there is lime in the Promix and that raises Ph, it's possible that was the culprit, but not certain.

That sucks more lights are too hot, but if you can get more air exhausted out and more fresh air in, then you could work in a couple more bulbs I think. You've done great at trouble-shooting dude. A lot of 'newer' guys would have seen that slime and all and probably freaked out posting a thousand questions when all they had to do was use a little common sense that hopefully their mama. daddy, g ma, g pa, gave em. :lol: Also, a bit of peroxide to your rez will clear that up with the quickness, and also provides more oxygen, just don't use too much. It's a like a Tablespoon to a Gallon I believe.

We're slow starting, but you're going good considering, the roots coming out is a great sign, my friend. The pic of the seedling is nice and green. Don't worry about the first cotyledons yellowing, once the first true leaves grow after them they are dispensable and always day off.

At this point, since you're in hydro, I think you should add a light dose of veg nutes(green bottle) 1/2 Teaspoon per gallon. There is a little bit of starter nutes in the Promix, but you're only using a handful and the roots are through that now. Basically no nutes in the water, so in hydro you have to provide what they need always. Try a bit and see how she goes. :D

Glad everything's going pretty good, I've been wondering.
Today is Day 22


Added some fans I found laying around to help cool it off. Temps are being a bitch. As pictured above: my high was around 85, low around 78. humidity low too around 40-45. I tried putting a wet washcloth in front of the double fan in the bottom part of the cab to bring humidity up but it didn't do much.



I got the res covered with foil, but added too much water again and ended up with little more brown snot and some burn. I was using 1/2 tsp of nutes to a gallon of water and had just started lst. I rinsed the roots and hit em with maybe a half ounce of peroxide in a gallon of water and let them sit in that over night, then plain water for a night, and changed the res again and used 1/4 teaspoon of nutes this time.

Since I lowered the nutes, and added a timer running 20/4, growth seems more noticeable every day for the last 3 or 4 days. Commencing lst again today.
I'm keeping a close eye on the leaves for anymore yellowing or curling...




Ph is still being a bitch too. I stopped checking it as much and only lower it to about 5 the day after res changes which is about every 4 days. I checked it before I dumped the last res and it was like 8.

If I could walk in somewhere and buy real hydro nutes I would, but haven't been able to find anywhere within a 2 hour drive of here.
I just don't want to order online and have it sent to my house.

Next time I will most def be doing some things different.

Lava rocks! less than 4 bucks at home depot for a bag that would last me about 3 or 4 grows in this setup if I toss them out after every grow.
Hydro Nutes! If cant get the right nutes for hydro, I'll be going to soil.
More air! A dual outlet pump and the one I have now should be able to push 3 5 inch air stones. I am only using one now.

Little bit a the time I guess.
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I found a hydro shop kinda near by and picked up some GH Floraduo today. Not organic so hopefully that will work better for this dwc. I re-cleaned everything, sanitized the res, the lid, the airstonre and airline. I also picked up another cheap aquarium pump with 2 outlets, but I forgot to get another air stone.
Lil' Help?

What am I dealing with here now?
Small yellowish and rusty spots, yellow veins, dark dark (almost blackish) green leaves reddish stems.
Bottom leaf has been yellowed for a while and the tips and brown and crusty now, but the other symptoms are just appearing since going to the Floraduo a few days ago.

Am I not using enough? Too much?

I'm using the GH Floraduo at half of the strong grow dosage.
Roots look great now BTW. No slime, nice white color.


Hey dude! What I am seeing is not very bad at all. That lower leaf yellowing looks like lack of light below there or possibly an underfeed of N. I wouldnt go.above half strength right now. Throw a pic up of the whole plant yo.

Seems to be going slow but going. Hopefully someone more experienced in Hydro will come by. :D
Whole plant pictures for The Squid.

Maybe someone could change the thread title? I'm starting to feel sad and alone...:(

Looks a bit overfed to me man. Why you sad and alone?

And go to your first post and edit and then you should be able to see where to change the thread title.
Hey ya Brother 420Master.Glad to have you here my friend.I wish I could help ya with your Hydro grow,but Im pretty clueless for the most part.Im sure here at AFN we'll getcha dial in before ya know it.Lots of awesome Hydro dudes here.:smokebuds: