Live Stoner Chat hey hey

Nov 28, 2012
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What up everyone, im new to afn but have been a grower for a few years now. Ive done my fair share of photo sativas and indicas and everything in between, recently started playing around with autos against the recomendations of a few others i know that grow. Idk why they dont like autos, i lovem lol well anyway, i ordered a bunch of beans from stitch awhile back and have been playin with them from then on, all i can say is damn! Stitch puts out alotta very impressive shit imo. Samsara has some rather nice autos ive run also........ alright, im clueless as to what to say, i just figured id say somthin and introduce myself. :bong:
Welcome to the wonderful world of Auto's!!!

Post a journal so that we can all follow along and see what you are getting up to!

Great to have you here!
Welcome bud,:group:enjoy the site, you seem to already have your grow on, :booya:Many auto lovers here as well:thumbs:
Peace to ya:peace: Autos are getting better by the day my friend:toke:
Thanks all i appreciate it, yeah ive usually got a few autos in rotation at all times, nothing big by any means. Dont have much room so had to use a closet ( suprisingly the gf gave upthe closet without a fight, and she doesnt smoke) and just run 4-6 max. Last year went full tlo and could belive the quality. My weakest link is the damn lighting, didnt have much to invest so i run quite a few cfls with duel spectrums, but they do the job rather well lol anyway, thats my story. Does anybody on here know how to put up pics from a nook color?
a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN, thanks for joining our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread above with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links thread above. Feel free to PM any of the Guide Assistants with an "A" Staff Icon under their avatar for any help you may need. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.



"New member's guide"
There's a few good link's in my sig.​
Im workn on figuring out how to post pics on this nook color, if anybody can help with that it would be great. Ive got damn near a day to day pic from day 1 to harvest of my past 3 or 4 grows, nothing very impressive but considering how much ive learned through trial and error im pretty proud of em