Grow Mediums HemiSync's Autopot grow w/Fast Buds LSD-25 using coco/perlite & LED

Day 15

Girls are starting to take off, both look much better, although Sunshine is still running behind. Temps are 68-77f, humidity has been staying between 39 & 44%. The girls got their feeding tonight of 1500ml each and I vacuumed up any runoff. I plan on turning on the reservoir as soon as I'm sure I got all the runoff from their hand feeding and before lights out. I know some will think I'm turning on the reservoir too early but I really feel they are ready for it. Here is the menu of both the hand watering and the reservoir. I added Terpinator with this feeding. Seems it has a minimal effect on EC.

Cal/Mag 1 ml/l 0.45EC
Sensi Grow A & B 1 ml/l. After A - 0.77 EC After B -1.03
B52 0.5 ml/l. 1.10EC
Carboload 0.5 ml/l 1.09EC
Terpinator 0.5 ml/l. 1.14EC
Voodoo 2 ml/l. 1.14EC

After adding all the above pH is solid 5.64
After aerating overnight 5.79 pH 1.14EC



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Hey Bro, just checking in.... I said I would keep an eye on your grow.

So, I offer this advice, with the best intentions.

Leave the plants to develop some more before turning on the air or res. They need to build roots and reach the bottom of the pot. Those are not quite ready yet.

The temptation is great, but (and this is my opinion) you need to make the best environment you can for the seedlings to prosper, both below and above ground. By turning both on too soon you are not doing that.

Patience..... Easy to say, hard to do..... Patience..... Wait..... The time will come and they will pay you back, and develop better long term.

I think I have posted this somewhere before, as another grower asked the same.... But at the risk of repeating it.... (important parts in Bold)
  1. After the seedlings look as though they have grown some roots and the leaves nearly reach the sides, turn on the Air (I leave my air continually on 24/7 works fine) .
  2. Continue to hand water until the leaves reach the side of the pot, then fill the reservoir half way and plug the pots in...
  3. Check they fill and drain - i.e. watch them through a cycle (this may take a day or two, depending on how advanced the roots are).
  4. Then.... sit back and be amazed !
So you are on day 15 or 16.... Ok.... let me show you where the plants need to be.

This plant was an Amnesia Haze, at Day 16 when I turned on the Air.... Final Hand water and then waited 24 Hrs before I turned on the Res at Day 17.

Day 19 she looked like this.... The res is working and explosive growth now begins.

Regarding your comment on the plant with twisted leaves. Some display this characteristic and grow out of it.

I do believe that seedlings grow and prosper with the humidity around 60% RH (or even more when still very small - hence humidity domes), as long as you have good airflow they will love it.

So if you can get more humidity then do so. It will only help at this stage. In fact I keep the Humidity high 60% for the first week or so, and gradually reduce it to 50% in flower and down to sub 40% for the final phase.

Again for reference, here is the Caramel I am growing currently, she was looking very much like a mutant at birth, and kept twisting her leaves.

At Day 20 she still had some twisted leaves.

Day 45 just 25 days from the pic above, she looks like this.

Build the Roots, Patience, I know it's hard, but WAIT - the time will come..... you will see the explosive growth happen, like the Caramel above.... But they will need to establish good roots first.

Don't try and rush it, you may do more harm than good.

But.... your getting there....:slap: .... keep it up.

@Frogster thanks for the advice. I would leave them go longer off the reservoir, but I have to leave town for a few days and might wind up being longer. I don't have anyone at home that can keep an eye on them so was considering putting them on the reservoir just in case. I understand the need to build the roots, but I am afraid if I don't hook it up it might be dried out by the time I get back. So I am trying to balance the possibility of coming home to dried out or overwatered plants.

As for the humidity, this time of year I'm fighting to keep it above 40%. I have a humidifier in the tent, on during lights on, and it still doesn't go much above 40%.
Something else I noticed when running a water pump in the reservoir. The pH starts to creep up rather quickly. In 24 hours the pH had gone up from 5.79 to 6.4. I pHed it back down to 5.6 and will check again tonight when I get home. If it is still creeping up I might take the pump out to see if that is the culprit. I mean I had bubbled this 15 liters for more than 24 hours and it was stable. Take out the bubbler and put in a water pump and the pH goes up. Will report back as soon as I know.

If it is the pump then I will try without and just stir the reservoir up every day to keep things mixed up.
Day 17

Please take a close look at Sunshine. She is growing out of her mutant shape, but now getting what looks to be a deficiency showing. The first picture is from yesterday and the second is from today. Perhaps not enough cal/mag?

As for Berkeley, she is twice the size and looking pretty good. I think her green could be a little darker. First picture is from yesterday with the second being from today. Any thoughts on either of these ladies please feel free to speak up.

As for the pH issue in the reservoir, eight hours without the water pump running and the pH has not moved. So for some reason my water pump seems to be raising the pH. Will try without and see how it goes, I can just set the pump to come on for 15 minutes twice a day to stir things up.

I never used a reservoir before, but have done DWC and never notice the smell as I do with this reservoir. It's not noticeable until you open it but it is rather pungent. That was with the water pump running to so it wasn't like it was sitting stagnant. Anyone else noticed it with these nutrients or any others.

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I'm not sure how you folks measure how much your plants have drank from the reservoir. I see in many of your grows people saying that they drank this much water. I am measuring the depth of the water and in the last two days they have used a 1/2 inch of water. I had thought about marking levels on the inside of the reservoir, but seems like a hassle to do it.
I'm not sure how you folks measure how much your plants have drank from the reservoir. I see in many of your grows people saying that they drank this much water. I am measuring the depth of the water and in the last two days they have used a 1/2 inch of water. I had thought about marking levels on the inside of the reservoir, but seems like a hassle to do it.
I'm going by days so in 5 days the res has went thru about 3 to 4 gals... Also right after turning on the res it takes awhile for things to get adjusted from hand feed to res feeding

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Day 18

@Hansbricks @briman @2Stoned2Care@pop22

Hey folks any help with the issues above I would appreciate it.

Here are a couple of today's pictures

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View attachment 662095

Hi bro sorry i have not been in here for a the first girl i have no idea go put her pic in the one of the canna doctors will help you out
the second girl looks like she needs more feed bro,what are you feeding them and how much ?
Hi bro sorry i have not been in here for a the first girl i have no idea go put her pic in the one of the canna doctors will help you out
the second girl looks like she needs more feed bro,what are you feeding them and how much ?
Cal/Mag 1 ml/l 0.45EC
Sensi Grow A & B 1 ml/l. After A - 0.77 EC After B -1.03
B52 0.5 ml/l. 1.10EC
Carboload 0.5 ml/l 1.09EC
Terpinator 0.5 ml/l. 1.14EC
Voodoo 2 ml/l. 1.14EC

After adding all the above pH is solid 5.64
After aerating overnight 5.79 pH 1.14EC