My seedling is looking kind of rough - info and pictures, below. Any help greatly appreciated!
Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)
-Problem: Green Crack seedling is 12 days old and has isn't looking very good. Weak stem and discolored leaves
-Medium/grow method: Coco loco and Kind Soil
-Feed and supplements used: used Root Riots and planted in solo cup with coco loco and kind soil on bottom
-Water source: distilled water, sprayed into dome - also watered directly
-Strain and age: Green Crack 12 days old
-Climate: 70 degrees, 50% RH
- Light used: CFL 24 hours, 5 inches distance
-Additional info: Started about 4 days ago. Plant had weak stem so turned on a fan - not blowing directly on it. And added moist Coco Loco around stem and firmed it.
Note: there was water in the red solo cup under the clear solo cup.
Thanks so much!
My seedling is looking kind of rough - info and pictures, below. Any help greatly appreciated!
Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)
-Problem: Green Crack seedling is 12 days old and has isn't looking very good. Weak stem and discolored leaves
-Medium/grow method: Coco loco and Kind Soil
-Feed and supplements used: used Root Riots and planted in solo cup with coco loco and kind soil on bottom
-Water source: distilled water, sprayed into dome - also watered directly
-Strain and age: Green Crack 12 days old
-Climate: 70 degrees, 50% RH
- Light used: CFL 24 hours, 5 inches distance
-Additional info: Started about 4 days ago. Plant had weak stem so turned on a fan - not blowing directly on it. And added moist Coco Loco around stem and firmed it.
Note: there was water in the red solo cup under the clear solo cup.
Thanks so much!