Help!! first try AF not going very well

Apr 5, 2016
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Hi everyone. I have a Dinafem Blue Amnesia XXL that has had very slow growth in the last few days. It was germinated prior to putting in soil one week ago. It did not take too long to come through the dirt but seems to now be at a stand still. Its under 2 40 W CFL at the moment. at approx day 4 I moved the light to within a couple inches as it was stretched out (searching for the light from what I've been reading). I'm not sure if I have over watered or under. No nutes as of yet. I have to admit I have recently had to move it outside in a shed(i live in Canada and it's still quite cold out) but have a space heater running.

Is it dying? Will it start to grow any bigger? I really want this plant to grow a I am a noob so I'm sure I have mess up somewhere along the line. Exactly one week in and I'm stressed already :bummer:

Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated


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I'd say the lighting is too weak, otherwise she looks healthy,... you need better quality light mate, IMO,...remember, it's not sheer intensity, but the PAR-- wavelengths that the plant utilizes best,... wrong spectrum can show slow growth, even if it seem strong enough to the eye-- this is no measure!
40w actual draw or equivalents? If thats actual draw and the equivalent is 150 per that should be plenty for now. If all it is is 2 little 40w eq replace them with 100w equivalent bulbs.
Yeah get some stronger light in there and be patient as it looks healthy enoff

I am now realizing they are 9W=40w actual. They are "daylight" spectrum with 6500K but I will switch them out with 40+actual w and hope for the best. Based on what you see, will she survive and start to grow faster once I put the new lights on? How far away should they be from the plant? Should I switch from distilled water to bottled/tap water?

Thanks for your help, I'm clearly new to this lol
Don't worry we all started off somewhere iv never grown with CFL but from what I know they need to be ad close as possible without hurting the plant I would recommend about 8 inch away n yeah she'll grow just becarefull not to overwater
Don't worry we all started off somewhere iv never grown with CFL but from what I know they need to be ad close as possible without hurting the plant I would recommend about 8 inch away n yeah she'll grow just becarefull not to overwater

I just went and bought 2 of these guys. I really hope this grow starts to show some better results after these bulbs go on. I will keep them as close as possible but keeping in mind not too close. CFL don't give off much heat from what I know. Would a small fan help in growth as well. I currently have a small space heater running only because the plant is in a shed outside and up here in Canada we're dealin with around 5 degrees celsius.


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I just went and bought 2 of these guys. I really hope this grow starts to show some better results after these bulbs go on. I will keep them as close as possible but keeping in mind not too close. CFL don't give off much heat from what I know. Would a small fan help in growth as well. I currently have a small space heater running only because the plant is in a shed outside and up here in Canada we're dealin with around 5 degrees celsius.
That will work alot better that's very cold so will have a big impact on growth I would personally get more heat in there or bring it back inside a fan won't help with growth with the temps so low
Be outside is not by choice but unfortunately "the boss" won't allow it in the house :(. I have an old kitchen cabinet that I may try and rig up as grow box. With a thermometer sitting right beside the pot, it is showing approx 12 Celsius. If I can rig up the box(and not create a fire hazard) im sure that would help with temps.