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Oh, hell. I had a paragraph written and it disappeared. Hit a wrong key?
I started 2 DNA lemons and a white widow freebie in those little peat gro pots. They came up right away, but got leggy in my kitchen window. I put them into 8" pots, and put those 3 pots into a tufftrub to catch the drips. At week 6, they need to be potted up and I have 3 fabric pots arriving next week. Next grow, I will skip the intermediate pot and put the tiny peat gro pots directly into the 2-gallon fabric pots. Live and learn!
I found out the hard way that the cabinet overheats real bad if I don't leave the door open a crack. Good thing I look at the Girls several times a day, because I caught them at 117 F and they had sweated all over the Mylar walls. :crying:
I cooled them down quickly and they didn't miss a step. Whew! It's unfortunate I can't close the door with the lights on, but if I stick to auto grow I can turn the lights off and close the cabinet until the housekeeper is gone. if I pour Pine Sol on the kitche floor, odor problem solved. My cabinet is a short armoire with storage and 3 drawers on one side and the grow area on the other side. Found it at an antique store; someone had painted the whole thing with a copy of a Van Gogh Starry Starry night series painting. Beautiful. It was cheaper than the ugly utility stuff I've seen for sale. I used Ocean Floor soil so didn't use much in the way of nutrients. The stuff I used was for hydro so I may give it away. I'm using Tiger Bloom and have another 2 on the way. I looked at the recommended feeding schedule and will only use the most heavily used 3. I fill a large liquor bottle with water and put the nutrients in it. It's got that pourer cap (glug-glug-glug) and that helps me calculate how much I am pouring. I am watering with a weak solution every day. The 2 pots with saucers are drying quicker than the pot without a saucer, just direct drain holes. Go figure! I will have to hold off watering that one for awhile as the soil got soggy.
I was so scared there would be no flowers, after reading so many Internet articles and you tube brags at how people's plants were flowering on day 4 or 5 with a 3 pound harvest. I'm exaggerating, but not too much. :stir:
Tomorrow is approximately day 1 of week 6, and the 3 plants look like a textbook grow. I hate to brag (not really) but this has been easy and fun. :D I promise to figure out how to make my phone talk to my computer and share pictures.
I sure would have done this years ago, but until LED lights and grow boxes, it just wasn't possible for me.
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