Hecno's on going organics

:doh:ooops! ........ So you got greasy resin finally? It's not common, but it happens. The Lamby I have is like this, greasy all the way even dry, very little stickiness.. rolling it was more difficult!
Many terps are powerful solvents, especially limonene (makes alcohol look like water practically) but others too,... I suspect if the right ones and amounts-of are in the trich's, you get this texture instead of the gummy stuff...
Ya funny old bugger - Yes it did , I came home from work and my knees hurt like :cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss: been busting our butts off because the owners are coming - Mind you they own there own jet - Here is a photo - 670 grams dry - 4 plants - That's cool :biggrin: Ok me old mate @Waira @The_Skunkist Right Mr W - smell - first up StickMans CBD Haze . I have know idea as it is the first time I have grown a Haze . But I have never smelt this before , Its like walking into a rain forest , earthy type smell . 2 days into cure , HELL . Yarr . Also it is as sticky as honey . I am at close to 2 hours and I can feel the relief . I will wait till it has a 1 month cure to try again . Mr S - I really love the strain as you know . Ok smell ? Same thing bro , Not good at this . First I can smell is clean , like a pine forest . But is does not taste like it . Guys these are early observations . I like to cure for the longer time frame, min a month , and as you know it it makes all the difference . :smoking: Mr S - Keep up the good work . 670 grams dry - 4 plants . - Organic - :joy: :smoking::thumbsup:

Believe it or not I give a fair bet away - Not as such- The small community I live in it is better than money . A hand shake is all that is needed .
Now I HAVE TO SAY SOMETING . we are one species , we may call ourselves Human , but we are only one of many species . What gives us the god dam right to lord it over the rest . I love all people , I don' give a shit what your color is . If you are cool you are cool . The world is going through a hard time and we should be coming together not apart . -- So what is the meaning of -- Humanity -- do we know any more -- Where did the love go . ----- Me Me Me ---- Fuck That . -- Yes I am mad .

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    Points: 20
    Go hecno..great haul

    Iriee Vibez

    Points: 10
    What a haul of great bud, Hecno! But what made me stop and think was your message at the end of the post. Right on, brother! Too much time focusing on ten few differences we have, and not enough time on ashy we are the same. Love you, man! (PS: they stopped me at 10 reps, and this is the first and only time I have used this thing)
The worm soil run off, It is going to plan , you can't see them but there is heaps of worms in there . Next day or so I will add horse manure and the ph is around the mark I am happy with and the run off in the bottle and more will go to the veggie patch soil , early days yet . :thumbsup:
Please stay safe guys . :thumbsup:

Simply a very sweet vid!
Her Mom really needs to follow and encourage that line of activity. Those with autism tend to live in their own little world. More activity that brings them more out of their world and into our world, the better they can function.
Especially when you get such a dramatic reaction as this! Smiles are generally a rare occurrence.
One of my good friend has a son with autism. The first time I met his son, he was a little over 4, but I knew he was autistic within a few minutes. My friend and wife said he was just shy. After about 6 months of me bugging him, my friend got him examined and properly diagnosed with it.
Granted, he started out as a relative high functioning child, but he did get the help needed in becoming a much higher functioning young adult and getting 'A's in most subjects. He LOVES science and grasps concepts quite easily and quickly.

With this dramatic reaction, music could very well be a way to get a foot into the door of this little girl's world!
@smokeyfromau The seales premium I have been using for a long time now as a base to build on , I also reuse after harvest and have done so many times . The soil gets better each time , the inputs help a lot as well , Horse manure - straw - worms -ect . If you can leave it for no less than 3 months to give it time to mature and blend in , Under cover if you are able to . I always have a batch going as soon as I have potted up , A number of times there is fair bit left which I use to start again , This way I have never had a problem of soil ph . - So far - :thumbsup:
This is the main stuff I use . All Australian .
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Hey Hecno :pass: Thanks mate for the help. I have most of those except Amino and Charlie Carp, and the bat guano that looks like the Richgro one. The searles is pretty good as far as store stuff goes. I have that and the organic that has been sitting around in a wheelie bin. I could fit it around the house to be undercover. Ive seen around our area some people with horse manure in bags for sale, would sugar cane be like straw? When feeding the inputs i go as directed from the manufacturer?
@smokeyfromau The sugar cane mulch is just like straw , The Guano is - Indonesian Bat Guano - Phos 12 - Cal 29 - Sil 10 - Came in a -pellet form and I used a coffee grinder to powder it . I tend to start pretty strong to start with the - NPK - inputs and when watering , never to run off . Each time I build I add more of what I think the soil was lacking .`Each grow I am getting a longer growth time before I have to add any - NPK - just over 5 weeks . It is the -K- I have to work on . :thumbsup:
@smokeyfromau The sugar cane mulch is just like straw , The Guano is - Indonesian Bat Guano - Phos 12 - Cal 29 - Sil 10 - Came in a -pellet form and I used a coffee grinder to powder it . I tend to start pretty strong to start with the - NPK - inputs and when watering , never to run off . Each time I build I add more of what I think the soil was lacking .`Each grow I am getting a longer growth time before I have to add any - NPK - just over 5 weeks . It is the -K- I have to work on . :thumbsup:
Hey Hecno, thanks mate for explaining :pass: Those figures are the pretty close to the Richgro Phos. I grind mine with a flat rock, i think i could get another little kmart coffee grinder ( i use oneto grind the herb sometimes). I water without runoff when i make up the soils so they can sit. Sugar cane mulch i can get it in a bale. About 5 weeks before adding any inputs, thats great so does about 5 weeks and a bit in vege. The K, not much options at bunnings there. Wood ash would be good for K? from the firepit