Hecno's on going organics

Amnesia auto [ world of seeds ] full organic , average 6 1/2 hours full sun at the moment .
Howdy folks , It is late Saturday and I am bored , the weather is shitty and it has been raining on and off all day .In between showers I checked out my soil and I must say it is coming along nicely , plenty of worms which are nice and fat and even more young ones which is a good sign . I have not checked the ph , but I recon it will be near spot on , I'll do that Sunday , I also have a worm tea brewing at the moment for Sundays watering of the indoor plants . This time I added some sheep manure for the low N and higher P.K That is all that will be added , The outdoor girl is rocking along just fine as well . I really like this Raw organics it seems to be working well for me . Even as a kid I loved playing in the dirt . :biggrin: :thumbsup:
This is the aged dirt .


This is the new dirt

And some lovely tea .

Outdoor girl .

@Waira The vine is a Passion Fruit - The ginger is not ginger it is Turmeric - the red plant is a Croton , which I really like as they come in lots of different colors and the photo was taken by drone . I also love the orchids you posted , as you know I only grow mine wild . :vibe:
Well it's Sunday and time for a update . The white sort of spots you can see is rain drops , been raining on and of all day , so I watered them and took the photos hoping to beat the rain , Didn't happen . I also think I may becoming into a wee problem , my soil Ph has crept up , now sitting on 6.8 Anyway , today they got there worm casting and sheep manure tea , so I'll what the Ph is next Sunday before I start to panic . :biggrin: I tell ya one thing , there is a hell of a nice smell in the room , very fruity . and they are on day 16 of flower . :thumbsup: and buggered if I know what the go is with the L.S.D in the room . :thumbsup:


Well my daughter is home with some friends so the plants have to stay in the room , so here are some shots of my outdoor one , she is on day 24 of flower and just over 6 1/2 hours full sun and each day she gets a bit more sun . Temp range 22.5 - 27.8 C -- RH 61 - 85 - I have also seeded another one to see how the next time frame goes . :thumbsup:

Protector of the Forests .
Okay , indoor plants , Well the party is over the beer and tucker is gone :frowny:. Being my first soil I can see I went a bit to lite on the nutrient input . From what I can see I needed more phosphate - Calcium and a bit more nitrogen .- @Eyes on Fire- soil PH is round 6.8 . I believe the nutrient def started towards the end of week 2 in flower they are all at the end of week 4 of flower now , So what I had to do to help fix the problem was revert back to organic bottle nutrients , which seems to have fixed the problem . -- I hope -
So how do I feel about this -- Bloody great -- you know why , because I know I am on the right track , I will not give up on this as I really enjoy doing it , and dudes haven't I learn't a lot . :thumbsup:


Now on another note , This plant is the same soil .I have only just started to give it bottle nutrients in case the problem starts .