Indoor Heaters

Just sitting here thinking and I like the idea of running either a 600 or 1k watt HPS 24/7. With that controller you posted running the exhaust on or off depending on the temp. I'm just wondering if it will be too much heat or not enough. I currently have. 200 cfm 4" fan. If I did this a 8" may be needed idk. The tent is 4x4 so either a 600 or 1000 would rock it. I'm using like 700w in lights 740w window AC 400 and something dehumidifer so I'm well over 1k watts now. If I can run the whole grow up with just a 1000w that could work.

---------- Post added 09-03-2011 at 08:20 PM ----------

If you don't want a heater in the tent, then I go back to my original idea, a mini split heat pump. Ditch the window A/C unit as the mini split will supply both heat and A/C. If you look around you can find a 9,000 BTU one for around $500.

I was thinking about those today to. How do you power up these things thou? If they have to be run straight to the breaker box like the house heat pump I don't think there is room for anything more.
That's what I tried to do last winter in my outdoor box. As you know, I've sold the HPS system and am going with LEDs and a space heater. I found it too hard to control two heat sources, the HPS and the space heater. That's how I fried those SSSK plants, the temp got too high too fast and tripped the thermal overload on my fan. Temps got to 135 before I realized what was happening.
If one of those HPS would heat the tent, without having a space heater and just run lights 24/7, having the exhaust kick on and off to regulate temp. Sounds good just don't know how well it work.
that would defwork...just needto getyour thermostat "dialed in" or "tweaked"

then urgood.... arentautos great?

@ muddy...sizing , scaling, and good thermostats is soooooooo key!!!!!

Yeah that thermostat would be where you made it or break it. May be worth spending the money and getting the best one. I could go with a 8" inline fan.
believe itor not...agood digital on ebay isnt that expensive... butyouneed a 24 vac transformer and the knowledge to wire it as well as a relay setup.... i madmy own double thermostat system to serve both topn bottom chambers.... either tstat hits set temp and it trips on... 1 degree below set temp trips itback off... also can run ac / cooling mode forsummer.... very nice

think that whole setup costme about 150 - 200 bucks... worthwhile tho... id surely have lostmanyplants without it!


also... thermostat placement is critical
I totally agree. I fooled and fussed with it all winter and never could get it to keep constant temps. My big problem was I'm drawing my air from outdoors and changes in outdoor temps would effect my setup. I've got my fan on a thermostat and a viable speed controller and could get it running nicely, then the weather would change so I was always adjusting it. Having consistent incoming temps makes it a lot easier, which on further thought does make a room heater more advisable.

EDIT: Thinking about some more while reading this thread, my thermostat could be the issue. Thanks JM for prompting me to rethink this.

@ jackal, I'd seriously consider a mini split. When we get those days when it's 85 in the day and 65 at night it could cycle between heat and A/C since one unit is controlling both.

muddy...sizing , scaling, and good thermostats is soooooooo key!!!!!

That would be my problem I stay away from electric box hahaha. Wondering if the one TBM posted or a cap would be good enough to turn my fan on or off right when the degree changes like yours. I know my AC thermostat lags, it is set to 74 and it can jump past 80 before it checks the temp to turn it on. Also I didn't know which one I would need a 600 or 1k then I thought I could get a 1k with a dimmable ballast if that exists for 1k watters.
@Muddy yeah I need to do some more research on those. I don't know jack about them or if they can work. There is only 1 220 plug in the home and it's in the living room.
@ jackal, I'd seriously consider a mini split. When we get those days when it's 85 in the day and 65 at night it could cycle between heat and A/C since one unit is controlling both.

good call muddy

also... an air intake preheater would work...

could be as simple as running exhaust duct through a drum or tub with water in it... as long as the water can keep absorbing heat from the growroom it would help keep a constant inlettemp