Outdoor Heat tolerant auto strains

Jun 10, 2016
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Hello All,

I'm growing outside in Tx around the 30th parallel and looking for potent THC auto strains that can handle high temps and don't get too tall. I'm growing them in the ground in a raised irrigated bed. They are west facing and get about 6 to 7 ours direct sun starting at noon. Current late afternoon temps are reaching 100 and falling to mid 70's overnight. As summer progresses the high heat is likely to continue and August is usually an oven with night time temps often in the high 90's. The plants are on a timed irrigation drip so they will always have water its mainly the heat I'm concerned about.

I'm germinating and vegging under a metal hallide and cfls keeping it bright and hot (high 80's) at 18/6 so as to acclimate them for the outdoor sun and heat, moving them when they get two sets of true leaves usually around 14 days.

I'm currently growing Pyramid White Widow, GHS Jack Herer and DP auto blueberry and they seem very happy. I've tried Mephisto Fantasmo Express twice and it does not thrive in either the germ/seedling chamber or outside - almost no roots on the seedlings after 14 days - I'm assuming it's the heat.

I'm starting in 60/30 FFOF & pearlite Ph 6.5 -6.7 in 10" tall 32oz drilled plastic cups. Watering lightly with a bit of superthrive but no nutes before transplant outside.

The DP Blueberry, GHS Jack Herer, and Pyramid White Widow seem handle it well.

I have new 2 - 3 day old sprouts of DP auto night queen, DP Auto Ultimate, and Moby Dick XXL in the chamber at about 85 degrees but it's too early to tell yet though the Moby Dick XXL was slow to germinate.

I'm soon going to start the next batch of three, which will face the longest and hottest part of the summer:

Seedsman easy ryder
Seedsman auto white widow
seedsman auto skunk#1
Auto seeds Berry Ryder
FastBuds Fastberry
Fastbuds Blackberry
Fastbuds Crystal Meth
Fastbuds Mexican Airlines
Fastbuds West Coat OG

I'm about to start the next batch which will face the longest and hottest part of the summer. Any suggestions on what I already that may work well? Other strains?

I know DP AUTO ultimate and quite a few of their other strains can take high temps @Teetee mentioned that he cooked(he's term lol) he's AU in the high 30's and man did they thrive they certainly did not skip a beat, Imho it has to do with the % rud and Sativa in the genetics as sativas originate from around the equator which are naturally susceptible to higher temps, but I may be wrong...just my few cents
With my lights on I have 30-35°C at canopy and 35-45% humidity.
My 250W HPS light is 30cm above canopy. So if I move light to 70cm above, I lost lumens.

What to do? Leave as it is? Will that 30-35°C harm my plants? Yea, I read optimum temp. is 22-28°C.