New Grower HD Grower Journal ( 1st grow)

LOL..It took me about half an hour to make the box..nothing fancy..But if it works..I think I'll make up screens to have layers in the box..I have the two Quick Ones coming down soon,and they are way bigger yeilding it looks..So what is the ideal humidity for putting in the cureing jars?
Nice first harvest mate well done, have a well desreved :slap:

Dry weight can depend on a few things, how dense the buds are, sugar leaf to bud ratio etc etc, but should be looking at 1/4 to 1/3 dry weight so should get your 2oz easy.

Enjoy your buds and heres to the next grow
:Sharing One:
well as i understand it 62%, but as allways happy to be corrected
Thanks Spanglish..I think I trimmed a good bit of the sugar leaves off.But again it was my 1st attempt at that as well..I here folk complaining about that chore..I enjoyed it,other than killing my gal...

Hairy..62% seems high..I wouldn't want any mold..I'm going to have check more into that..Thanks

Depends how dry you like your bud and/or how long you are planning on storing, with the Boveda 62 packs it gives you are nice easy way to keep a safe and steady 62% level, but can go as low as 55% anything below that will stop the cure, as if with anything over 65% you start running a risk of mould.

Here is a copy and paste of a guide thats been going around for a while.

Phase one. 70% RH: This starts out just like any other time you have done it. Once you have harvested your bud and trimmed it to your liking, hang it in a cool dark place. This is where we will part from tradition. Allow it to hang until the buds begin to feel like they are drying (note the temps and rh as this will rarely be the same during subsequent harvests). They will start to lose their "softness" in favor of a slightly crispy texture. We don't want to allow it to dry until the stems snap. THIS IS WRONG! We want the stems to be flexible. Not totally soft, but not snapping, either. If allowed to dry until the stems snap we risk it drying too much and losing an opportunity to take full advantage of the cure window. You see once the bud reaches the 55% RH range, the cure is dead. No amount of moisture added will revive this. If you are a brown bag dryer you can still use this technique, although I no longer do. I feel it is unneccessary at this point in the drying process. Just make sure you do not over dry. Also, this is a perfect time to calibrate your hygrometers with your new calibrating kit. This phase may take anywhere from 2 to 7 days depending on ambient temp, RH and strain, etc. It is important to be right on top of this phase. Sometimes we will notice thinner stemmed buds getting done quicker. It is ok to take these first and put them in the jar. Just screw the cap on very loosely until the bulk of the bud joins it.

Phase two. 65%+ to 70%RH: This is where the numbers game begins to kick in. Once you have reached the crispy bud/flexible stem stage, it is time to jar it up. Now there are a few options here.. Really you can jar it up just like always. Only, fill your jar 3/4 to 4/5 full so you have room to use your hygrometer. You can leave it on the stem, stem free, whatever. I personally prefer it in it's finished state, no stems. You can leave just a few stems intact for the sake of testing stem flexibility. Also, with more stems comes more moisture. This may fit well with your style, but it also may play havoc if mold is present. Once your bud is in the jar drop in the hygrometer and cap it. Keep an eye on your meter for the next hour or so. What we are shooting for in this phase is 70% RH maximum. If you hit 71% or greater, you will have to take the bud out to dry more. If this seems a little tricky here, it is. The cure, even though we are still in the dry phase, has been happening to a small degree since the moment the bud was cut. Basically now we are juggling time with mold prevention. We want to avoid any instance of mold, but we want to get every second of cure time in that we can. The goal in this phase is to start at a 70% maximum RH and, in a timely and mold free manner, bring the RH down to about 65%. The reason I say "about" is that if there is an issue with mold (i.e. the crop was exposed to heavy mold before and/or during harvest) we may chose to take the RH even lower, like 62%. This won't leave a huge window for curing, but it will keep the bud safe. Ideally, however, 65% will do. Generally you can tell pretty quickly if the bud is still too wet as the hygrometer % will climb pretty quickly (rate: 1% per hour or faster). You will also notice, at this point, that the bud will feel "wetter". That's ok. The reason for this is that while the exposed part of the bud began to dry quicker than the inside during phase one, the inside of the bud and stems retained a good deal of their moisture. Once in the jars (phase two) that moisture can no longer be efficiently evaperated off and moved to a different area, being replaced by dryer air. Once you have determined the RH, which may take up to 24 hours, you can begin burping the jars. This can be done at a rate of one to two hours once or twice a day, depending on initial RH reading. Your room RH, temp, strain, exposure to mold and hygro readings will dictate this for you and wether to go faster or slower. Slower is always better, but precipitating factors, as stated, may trump this.. Also, at the end of this stage is where most commercial bud will hit the open market, if you are lucky. The bud at this stage should have that super sticky icky velvety feel and the 'bag appeal' will be at it's very highest.

Phase three, 60% to 65% RH: Your buds are in the jar and RH is 65% or less. Perfect. The object of the game, as stated before, is to slowly release the moisture from the jar over time. Your buds are now in the cure zone. At this point we are looking for a much slower release than phase two and will shift to a short burp once a week. Your buds will deliver a nice smoke at around 60%, so the speed at which this is done (which translates directly to duration of burpage) is entirely up to you. It is at this stage that small stems should snap in two. It is also in this stage that you will meet true stability, or equalization, in RH. What that means is that the amount of moisture in the stems is no longer disproportionate to the buds, and moisture transfer or persperation (sweat) slows dramatically. This also means it will take much longer to get a true reading from your Hygrometer. A true reading at this point might take up to 36 hours, but that's ok.

So, do you know what your idea of a perfect smoking bud is? If you have followed the phases as you have read them, then this is the stage where you can find out. It may be as specific as a stationary RH value, or even a "window" between different values. Everyone one should know there ideal smoking range. I prefer mine on a slightly dryer cure, say between 55 to 57%.

Phase four - 55%+ to 60%RH: Even though a true cure is far from over, your buds are truly ready to smoke if you wish. They are also ready to face long term storage. As stated before, the cure dies at -55%. It's ok for the cure to be dead if you have reached your desired cure level as later remoisturing can easily bring that bud back into your prefered smoking range. But, you can also continue the cure for long time periods and the trick to this is to stay above the 55% level. Unfortunately even claimed 'air tight' jars will allow bud to continue losing moisture over time. The trick here is to guarantee air tightness. Simon has suggested that he jars in air tight jars and double vacuum bags it as a way to ensure cure integrity. I am less picky. It is a good idea, though not neccessary, to leave a hygro in the jar and check it from time to time. I would start with once a week for the first month then, if everything is stable, once every month after that should suffice.
Depends how dry you like your bud and/or how long you are planning on storing, with the Boveda 62 packs it gives you are nice easy way to keep a safe and steady 62% level, but can go as low as 55% anything below that will stop the cure, as if with anything over 65% you start running a risk of mould.

Here is a copy and paste of a guide thats been going around for a while.

WOW Thanks Spanglish..Thats a great post..Thank you for sharing that with me...:peace:
Nice looking buds and plants HD, puts me to shame :Woopsadaisy: but I'm happy for you. Nice info on the cure process, Spanglish. I will definitely give it a try, but I'll probably end up smoking it all before I get it properly cured :Sharing One:
:kusht:aloha HD~

NICE ONE!!! Congrats on a job well done!
I was looking for a pic of my "drying-box" but cannot find one. I'm about to harvest so I'll snap a few tonight or tomorrow.
Nothing fancy either, its just a wardrobe box with several levels of string ran through so that the buds can hang dry. I keep it slightly cracked open on the top and it works great.

got a pic of yours? I am always looking for ways to improve the process.

Great job, brah~
DIY Bud Dryer ~ Wardrobe Box


aloha and happy harvesting!

DSCN0523.JPGDSCN0525.JPGShoreline~Harvest 4/7/15 (beautiful stinky buds!)