New Grower HD Grower Journal ( 1st grow)

Thanks CappY..No I haven't giving her taste test yet.other than licking my fingers after filling how solid she felt..Just like sex..Good things come to those who waits..wink-wink:peace:

fanger lickin good!
Most excellent grow! Those tall ones are gonna fill out just fine and keep gettin' BIGGER AND BIGGER!!!
I'm new myself and hope to emulate your success. You did an fantastic job. Sometimes those buds are so pretty you hate to break them up after harvesting.
I wonder if anyone has ever had a bud bronzed? Or preserved in some clear acrylic. I guess photos will have to do for now.
AMAZING looking plants you got there :D wish i had enough sunlight to get my plant that big!

Howdy all you AFN'ers..Happy Easter..A few pito's of My Easter Flowers...

1st ever harvest..

Howdy all..Well,,,harvested my 1st gal today.A SnowRyder. maybe should have left her another week,but to late now..For my 1st grow I think I did fine.she was 18 inchs tall and 14 in dia..Grand total was 239 grams wet.From some where I seen or read that after drying its about a 1/3..So at that I'm thinking about 2oz..Correct me if I'm wrong..

1st #1.jpg1st#2.jpg1st#3.jpgWhat do you think?

Congrats on first harvest pal, nice trim job, i think it works out more like a quarter of wet weight to dry , but lots of factors in that so what ever you will get a good yield, did you do anything special before chop, i hear of people leaving them in the dark for 24 hours,not watering for a few days etc, personally i am going to sacrifice a few goats lol, whats your plans for drying?, again a few options, i am leaning to the brown paper bag method, well done pal busy Days ahead for you.
Congrats on first harvest pal, nice trim job, i think it works out more like a quarter of wet weight to dry , but lots of factors in that so what ever you will get a good yield, did you do anything special before chop, i hear of people leaving them in the dark for 24 hours,not watering for a few days etc, personally i am going to sacrifice a few goats lol, whats your plans for drying?, again a few options, i am leaning to the brown paper bag method, well done pal busy gays ahead for you.

Thank friend..

Well Hairy..I put her in the dark for 48 hours,not water and a fan on low to keep her cool..As for drying, I useing a cardbard box.I cut a slot about 1.5 x 8 inchs on one side.Then made a piece of screen to fit in the box about 4 inchs from the top.I laid the buds in the screen,closed out the top of the box.Placed a small fan outside over the slot i cut to draw thw fresh air over and out..My only fear is it might dry too fast..I'll be checking it reg to see how its going.I might have to turn the fan off..I was going to use the bag way,but my tent is pretty full..I seen the box idea and made my changes..We'll see how this works..

Might be a good idea to check the humidity in the box if your worried about drying to quick, lower the humidity faster it will dry , i am going to get them Boveda 62% packs for when they go in jars, there is a thread on the site about it, lots do it by making a box like yourself, the bag way just seems easier lazy hairy :)