Dutch Passion Hazy's Taiga#2®-StarRyder® PLUS+ New Autofem Grow

DAY 15

First of the StarRyders showed sex, the one in the hot mix of course..


Here is the front runner as size goes.. I'm pretty sure it's indica dom..lol..

Lookin super Indy and healthy my friend :group:
that is just flatout BADA*S brother!!!!:wiz: <-----super cloud of karma and awesomeness right to ya brother!!!
Hazy my friend.. My older StarRyder has those freaky little branch thingy's.. Thats what I thought.. WTF!! Lol..

Anyways.. Looking sweet as brother :smokebuds:
DAY 16

Today is the Taiga#2's turn to show it's bits. I'm consistantly getting all my DP strains showing sex between day 14 - 16. Also did a fair bit of LSTing on it.


and thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback :group:
crazy branching on that plant brother. hopefully she treats you well with the fruits.

congrats ont he healthy looking females :dance: :gthumb: