Grow Mediums DP Auto Lemon Zkittles

Day 21

Turned on the autopot today, @Sensi Jay you’re right bro this girl is about to go nuts!

Slight nute burn on new growth, have only been giving her sensi bloom A&B @ 1ml per L, she’s a bit on the sensitive side :smoking:

Day 33 - 25oC - RH 70%

Hey guys,

What a difference a few weeks makes! She has gone berserk since I turned the autopot on. I gave the reservoir and the lines a good clean today and will do the same in a few weeks. Have been letting tap water sit out and be aerated 24hrs before pouring in reservoir, I am about add carboload to the feed and if I remember rightly this is where problems started with my previous grow. Still having to add pH down to the reservoir as even after feeds being pH'd at 6.0, within the days the res has creeped up to 7.0, bit annoying.

Have noticed moisture on some of the leafs, its real humid in the tent at the moment (70%) so will keep an eye on that and defoliate next week.

Any input, much appreciated! :smoking:
Day 33 - 25oC - RH 70%

Hey guys,

What a difference a few weeks makes! She has gone berserk since I turned the autopot on. I gave the reservoir and the lines a good clean today and will do the same in a few weeks. Have been letting tap water sit out and be aerated 24hrs before pouring in reservoir, I am about add carboload to the feed and if I remember rightly this is where problems started with my previous grow. Still having to add pH down to the reservoir as even after feeds being pH'd at 6.0, within the days the res has creeped up to 7.0, bit annoying.

Have noticed moisture on some of the leafs, its real humid in the tent at the moment (70%) so will keep an eye on that and defoliate next week.

Any input, much appreciated! :smoking:
View attachment 1208429View attachment 1208430
Looks good bud nice and healthy now wat happened to ur last 1 u said u had problems how often were/are u feeding wat were ppm ect I will try to help if/when needed.
Day 37 25oC 50%RH


Vertical growth has stopped now which is for the best as I cannot raise my light any higher :smoking: Came across a nasty looking leaf earlier, towards the bottom of the plant. Have attached a pic.

@Fitzy Last grow I was filling the res every 2 days or so with with 6L of feed, using the same AN nutes I am using for this grow. I started having problems around day 50 ppm of feeds was 520. I posted in the infirmary about it

@Sensi Jay yeah bro, think i am gonna do two next time around and maybe try a scrog!

Hope everyone is good :d5:
Day 37 25oC 50%RH


Vertical growth has stopped now which is for the best as I cannot raise my light any higher :smoking: Came across a nasty looking leaf earlier, towards the bottom of the plant. Have attached a pic.

@Fitzy Last grow I was filling the res every 2 days or so with with 6L of feed, using the same AN nutes I am using for this grow. I started having problems around day 50 ppm of feeds was 520. I posted in the infirmary about it

@Sensi Jay yeah bro, think i am gonna do two next time around and maybe try a scrog!

Hope everyone is good :d5:
View attachment 1209922View attachment 1209924View attachment 1209923
hi bro she looks superb that bottom leaf i wouldn't worry it as all your other growth looks great
Like St.Tom said it looks great and ur plant is most likely it pulled the stored nutes in that leaf and ate it lol and all plants do this bc that leaf wasn't getting enough light so it sacrafices that leaf.
Day 40 27oC 70% RH

So introduced AN Carboload to her feed on Sunday, and the water in my res looked funky by Monday and the line was blocked, have attached a pic. Filling the res tonight and am gonna remove carboload from her feed, I am pretty sure this is where my problems started the previous grow. Has anyone got recomendations for a product similar to Carboload well suited to auto pots? Will introduce overdrive to her feed next week. She has grown another couple of cm since my last post, hopefully that its now! Its real humid at the moment, gonna give her a bit of a trim over the weekend!

Day 40 27oC 70% RH

So introduced AN Carboload to her feed on Sunday, and the water in my res looked funky by Monday and the line was blocked, have attached a pic. Filling the res tonight and am gonna remove carboload from her feed, I am pretty sure this is where my problems started the previous grow. Has anyone got recomendations for a product similar to Carboload well suited to auto pots? Will introduce overdrive to her feed next week. She has grown another couple of cm since my last post, hopefully that its now! Its real humid at the moment, gonna give her a bit of a trim over the weekend!

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Cyco nutrients line has all kinds of nutes I've used both advanced and cyco and I like cyco better ph drifts arnt as drastic ect