Grow Mediums DP Auto Lemon Zkittles

What kind of water r u using. I find now that I use RO water to start my ph stays super stable. I’m using Megacrop 2 part the new sweet candy mammoth p and slf 100. I ph up with tnb naturals and the solution can sit in res for days and stay 5.8. That’s where I set it that’s where it stays. I thought with the microbes and all the stuff in the sweet candy it would drift one way or another but it stays set. Res is looking clean for the most part quick wipe down in between grows most it’ll need. Gonna get a big syringe and flush lines with hot water in between grows as well. This is my first run so I have no idea how dirty or clean the lines r. Hoping the slf100 is doing what I paid it to do.
I am using the last, very last, of my MCV2. The only issue I have is when the lines are dry I find they are full of kelp. This is what can cause issues with flow. So the water lines I hand clean every time. My MCv3 is on its way to me now.
Day 47

Just got back from a night away to find a few leafs at the top of the plant with rust like spots. Thinking it might be calcium deficiency, whats your guys thoughts? Am gonna do a post in the infirmary.

I flushed the lines and cleaned the res out this afternoon and gave her a 4L feed. Sensi Bloom A&B @ 2ml per L/CalMag @ 1ml per L/Overdrive @ 1ml per L. PPM was 870, is that a bit low for flowering, ideally should be 1000-1100?

@Mizzo81 I am using tap water, pH before nutrients added is 8.0. I leave it out for 24hours with a air stone in. Haven't really read much about RO, but sounds like you've got it sussed out. Is it costly? Am defo gonna try different nutes for the next run, Ive been using AN since I started growing a few years back and have had some good results, but since I started using the autopot, not so much!

What’s the starting ppm of your water. I’ve been feeding 1.0-1.2 ec since res has been turned on. See no signs of needing more. That’s 500-600ppm.
Look around. They have many options to get set up to ro. Depending on your plans depends which one u want. Not costly until u get to the bigger systems mostly for larger setups.
how close is it to the light I've noticed a few of my plants do this when it gets to close as it's trying to eat faster than it can replenish it.
I'm on my second grow with the autopot as well. I had a similar time the first grow with the PH in the rez until I switched from an air stone to a small aquarium pump. I have the pump set on a timer to run 15 mins 4 times a day. That solved the fluctuating PH problem for me.