Outdoor Hazy Grows Gelato in California

Day 54 from clone

White Runtz




Happy daze … off to spend the weekend on bilge watch again, have a good one pilgrims :pass:
:spels::spels:-----:drool: ....beauties Hazy! One of these days I'ma wise-up and start doing what you do with the OD girls... Even with just those 3 canes all on one direction, you're getting nice even symmetry- :thumbsup:
I've bugged you before about doing a tutorial sometime, a bit more step-by-step detail...

I can't wait to see these frost queens loaded up! Prime-time is a-comin' :woohoo1:
:spels::spels:-----:drool: ....beauties Hazy! One of these days I'ma wise-up and start doing what you do with the OD girls... Even with just those 3 canes all on one direction, you're getting nice even symmetry- :thumbsup:
I've bugged you before about doing a tutorial sometime, a bit more step-by-step detail...

I can't wait to see these frost queens loaded up! Prime-time is a-comin' :woohoo1:
Thanks brother… I promise one day I will :pighug:
:spels::spels:-----:drool: ....beauties Hazy! One of these days I'ma wise-up and start doing what you do with the OD girls... Even with just those 3 canes all on one direction, you're getting nice even symmetry- :thumbsup:
I've bugged you before about doing a tutorial sometime, a bit more step-by-step detail...

I can't wait to see these frost queens loaded up! Prime-time is a-comin' :woohoo1:

Hmmmm....is this not 1 of the 2 tutorials we actually Have @Waira ......I'm sure @blue has one stashed....... :pass:

Have a great weekend @Hazy :cheersmate:..ching ching......
:spels::spels:-----:drool: ....beauties Hazy! One of these days I'ma wise-up and start doing what you do with the OD girls... Even with just those 3 canes all on one direction, you're getting nice even symmetry- :thumbsup:
I've bugged you before about doing a tutorial sometime, a bit more step-by-step detail...

I can't wait to see these frost queens loaded up! Prime-time is a-comin' :woohoo1:
Hey @Waira :bighug:

Here is an excerpt from G.Leave's "Monster Training Guide : Maximizing outdoor photoperiod plants"

As soon as the plants get to 4 true nodes (cutting off the bottom branches that come out of the single bladed leaf set as soon as they appear) I will top the plant giving me 8 main branches. Then I tie the plants main stalk over 90 degrees. Depending on main trunk thickness and rigidity, I might tie a bit and tie again the next day depending on trunk thickness, but usually I do it in one shot. Right at the base of the plant i will attach an anchor wire and further up the plant to tie it to 90 degrees(or close) As the 8 main branches get 4-5" long I begin training them on a horizontal direction using wires connected to the outside of the pot using plastic coated garden wire(fairly stiff so you can manipulate the branches direction). I try to train them out in a splayed pattern in an octagonal direction so each branch will get great light once they are 7-8 feet long.


I just keep tying branches down as they get big enough, while wrangling down the main branches under lights until mid may when the weather warms enough fairly consistently. I start by putting them in direct sun on a warm sunny day. Then I sit with them(or do something else) watching them every 20 minutes until i see the leaves start to droop(this usually never happens within 2 hours). Then I move all 4 plants to shade for an hour(until the droop perks up). I keep a mental note of which plants leaves drooped first. Then I repeat, keeping a close eye on them for the first couple of days, especially the first day...within a few days(week max) they are tough and ready to party in the sun. If it gets cool, a few under 14 degrees celcius days will just toughen them up for the sometimes harsh cannadian early summer and fall. I still put them under lights at night during this transitional period(aka Grow my Green Children Grow!!). Once the are ready for full sun(2nd-3rdweek of May), that's exactly what they get. Full sun and they go in an unheated outbuilding at night regardless of temp.(often hitting 5degrees celcius for a few hours late at night)

Although this was written as a photo period guide, same principles apply at this stage of development.

Full tutorial here - https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-maximizing-outdoor-photoperiod-plants.59210/

G.Leave's Auto tutorial "Maximizing Outdoor Autos - Guide to Growing Under the Sun" can be found here - https://www.autoflower.org/threads/maximizing-outdoor-autos-guide-to-growing-under-the-sun.56402/

I checked Blues thread that have been started by Blue but i didn't find a outdoor traing tutorial. that's not to say there isn't one, I just didn't find it is there is one!
Haw.. is this a wind up …. Get tae ! :devil:

Morning you...... :bighug: ...no...I just Think @arty zan didn't know I meant an actual @Hazy Tutorial.....:pighug:..and he was being helpful.....

Got Bad News for you on the Benidorm gigs.........:pass:...we are going into curfew again.....so there is no way you'd be able to get the Bus back.......:eyebrows:...and the Only vacancy I can find is for a replacement for Stick Vicky.....and it doesn't Fit your particular Talents....:crying:

Looks like you are just going to have to rough it out in Cali....:pass:

(now That is a wind up.........:biggrin:.....)

That is a big beast of a boat......:headbang: ......just for sailing...or are you going to live on it.......?
Morning you...... :bighug: ...no...I just Think @arty zan didn't know I meant an actual @Hazy Tutorial.....:pighug:..and he was being helpful.....

Got Bad News for you on the Benidorm gigs.........:pass:...we are going into curfew again.....so there is no way you'd be able to get the Bus back.......:eyebrows:...and the Only vacancy I can find is for a replacement for Stick Vicky.....and it doesn't Fit your particular Talents....:crying:

Looks like you are just going to have to rough it out in Cali....:pass:

(now That is a wind up.........:biggrin:.....)

That is a big beast of a boat......:headbang: ......just for sailing...or are you going to live on it.......?

You know me … I can be a wee bit spiky sometimes…. I apologise for being a tad wankerish… it’s been a long weekend… here is me suffering in Cali

that sucks you’re going back into lockdown… all these asshats not getting vaccinated, are going to be the end of all of us ….the virus is going to mutate into a vaccine resistant strain..and then it’ll have to be tweaked again … you know …put them tracker chips in ..hahahahahahaha … I despair at the level of stupidity in the general population these days … if it were down to me, and luckily it’s not .. I’d tie the fuckers down and inject them …with freedom comes responsibly… okay rant over …:bighug: