Dutch Passion Hazy Canin' AutoUltimate

when smithiano and i cut our ppv's you will have a lifetime supply of cane's:roflcry: that fekkin hedge your growing,is incredible!:D::smokebuds:

Oh no here he goes again.......

Lets talk about Phenos. This can be a rather daunting and confusing subject and possibly down right boring for some. But i'm going to attempt to explain the basic principle of Phenotypic varation and what causes it.

First lets break down the above equation. G+E+GE=P Genotype+Enviroment+Genotype & Enviromental Interactions=Phenotype.So the genotype is the underlying genetic properties of the plant and phenotypes are the expression or how these genes behave dependent on enviromental influences.

This is very important in understanding what breeders term as traits, and how these traits are not always fixed.

Let me give an example, of how enviroment can affect how a plant expresses itself due to changes in it's enviroment.In a study seed of Mexican origin, which contained no CBD where planted in Mississippi and produced plants that then contained CBD due to the differing climatic conditions in the respective areas. This is a great example of the enviroment changing the expression of the genes, So when a breeder creates a phenotype the questions we need to be asking are what enviromental conditions did the breeder use to get the genes to express themselves in that way. i.e. What type of light did they use?, How far was the light from the plants? What type of medium did they grow in? How did they feed? Humidity, Temperature ect ect...As all these enviromental differences will affect how the genes express themselves as phenotypes.

So why is this important? Well with this knowledge we the grower now have much more control than perhaps we thought we had and can take advantage of these conditions, To produce stronger weed.

How do we do it? As we know THC production can be influenced by stress factors, what i mean is, if the correct enviromental stresses are applied to a plant, we can increase the amount of THC that is produce within the plant as there is a correlation between stress and THC production. Unfortunatley as indoor growers we are missing out on one of the biggest stress factors in increasing the potency of the THC within the plant as our lights produce very little if no UVB. As plants subjected to UVB will produce a greater quantity of THC. but all is not lost luckily there are other stress factors we can introduce to encourage the plant to produce more THC. At this point i would like to say that the amount of trichomes on a plant may not really tell the whole story as to how strong the THC within the plant is, In fact a plant with less coverage subject to the right enviromental stresses could have a greater quantity of THC within it compared to a plant covered in trichomes but not subjected to any enviromental stresses, and here in lies the paradox. Big frosty buds don't always mean strong weed

So what enviromental stresses can we apply to increase the quantity of THC. First thing is to drop the humidity down as low as you can get. Let me give an example of this from a study done by Murari . (1983) they grew a range of Cannabis in three climatic zones of Italy and found higher THC levels in those plants grown in the drier "continental" (versus "maritime") climate. And in another study by Hakim. (1986) reported that CBD-rich English Cannabis devoid of THC produced significant amounts of THC and less CBD, when grown in the Sudan. This trend was accentuated in their next generation of plants.

Another way to stress the plant into producing more THC is to injure it either by super-cropping or defoliating, again as trichomes are a plant defense mechanisim they will produce more when under any form of attack. the breaking or the puncturing of the plant tissue can be seen as a predatorial attack and the plant respondes by producing more THC. Also growing plants in close proximity has shown to increase the producion of THC.

Some of these technics may affect the yeild marginally, but the quality and the quantity of the THC should improve.

I hope this is of interest to some and i'm pretty sure a couple of ypu may well have fallen asleep at the keyboard..haha... Personally i find the whole subject fasinating,

Have a great week and i'll be back with an update of how my phenotypes are doing.
Interesting Headmaster Hazy....

A guy called Dr Bruce Lipton has been banging on about this for a number of years (in relation to the human genome) and has called the field epigenetics..... Just because a gene is there is doesn't mean it's going to be expressed is basically the gist of it... (Of particular interest/importance to women carrying the so called breast cancer gene I should think)

I totally agree about the part where you say UVB stress increases THC production whilst not actually being able to run a mass spectrometer analysis... when I used to use an Actinia Bird Lamp fluorescent tube above the plants which produces UVA and UVB the finished product seemed somewhat more potent and pleasing to the eye than usual

Fluorescent Bird Lamps | Arcadia Aquatic

A good cheap way of getting some UV to the plants rather than say buying a full spectrum plasma...

I'm going to get the bird lamp out again and use it in the harvesting tent...

Educational post Headmaster Hazy thanks.
Great bit of information there Hazy
Yes I too have been testing my crosses in this very way.
This is one of my very best ways t explain what I do when I get my f1 crosses and how i adapt them.

Like you said above I take say my first ever cross leela. Throw 1 in a horrible environment and one in a great environment and one i chop scrap crack in a good environment.

With 3 plant you get three different phenotypes. The one in horrible conditions yield nothing but maybe 2 three grams but its potent as all hell. The over in great condition yield a bunch but won't be potent compared to the crap environment. The last one stressed in great conditions yields medium but is more potent then the high yielded plant and less potent then bad condition plant.

Now when I do my experiments i also self each one to get a group of three category seeds i call stressed abused and babied.

I then grow these s1 seeds in a great environment. Low and behold you have the same pheno (outside display) but usually the severe stressed plants will be able to handle and resist a lot more as well as eat more and not as susceptible to nute burn. And deficiency. And will actually still be more potent . I take the abused plant and top it. Low and behold it can handle it quite well as it is used to thAt stress factor. And the babied one i fully pollinate with the abused reverse pollen. You then have another batch of seeds that are some what susceptible to certain factors but as well have a resistance.

I use what's called the chaos theory or effect for my practice which basically states like humans they adapt to a situation via genetic coding. Like how they hermie in a plantation of all females. They will want to survive no matter what. So instead of. Breeding for potency with different genes and such. I stress breed for potency. And it works at least in my experience. It does.

By the way hazy i love your write up here.
So I believe fully what you are saying and currently use it in a way that I can understand. Not many people do. I'm a bit of crazy though and it just makes sense to me for some reason.
Day 34 & 29.......

Yes Mr Motto san..I've been looking at these, D3+ T8 Desert Reptile Lamp : Arcadia Reptile you can also get metal reflectors for them, so i'm planning to attach one 18* T8 either side of the Hps reflector ...Too much!!..





Day 34 & 29.......

Yes Mr Motto san..I've been looking at these, D3+ T8 Desert Reptile Lamp : Arcadia Reptile you can also get metal reflectors for them, so i'm planning to attach one 18* T8 either side of the Hps reflector ...Too much!!..

Wow haven't seen those before they have even more UVB than the Arcadia bird lamp.... Mr Jorillas going to get some......

Thanks Headmaster Hazy....
hazy! i concur!:D: and that hedge is amazing![video=youtube;17fioJeqfJQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17fioJeqfJQ[/video]