Dutch Passion Hazy Canin' AutoUltimate

Day 46 & 41.......

Group shot.


46 day Think Different.


41 day Think Different.


TaNg was mentioning the girth on the AutoUltimate, and he ain't wrong. Tree trunks.......

who can take an Ultimate
Wrap it in a high
Sit it neath a sodium and make the sucker fly
The Hazy man can--!!

Sweet gals there Professor!
hazeee! i think i have said this before, out of all the different techniqe's and expieriment's that have been done, from new fancy lighting to new hydro method's, your canin is the most productive and and also the cheapest.:bow::bow:max +rep.:grat:your fekkin amazing!
do you adopt?:grin::smokebuds::hug:
hazeee! i think i have said this before, out of all the different techniqe's and expieriment's that have been done, from new fancy lighting to new hydro method's, your canin is the most productive and and also the cheapest.:bow::bow:max +rep.:grat:your fekkin amazing!
do you adopt?:grin::smokebuds::hug:

Thanks bro...I was kinda hopin' you were gonna adopt me... always fancied Maine. :hug:
Hazy that is a lot of Cola's bro you sure do have this "Cane" growing dialed in bro. I'm going to try this method soon I have done LST and Scrog with great success but nothing like this.:crap:
Dont know how i missed this?! Amazing dude!
I am FOR SURE adding this technique to my DWC next grow, just wish i had seen this at the start of my double Acid grow..

Keep it going braa!
I am in awe too Hazy 'ol boy... Every time I try and train, all I end up with is a "train wreck".
Congrats for mastering your cane-train :cool: :thumbs:

I will definitely have to super-crop my AU by the looks of it... they will NOT stop growing! Biggest tree trunks ever too, though my buds are alot less developed, possibly stunted due to my near-disaster with root disease.