Extraction Hash. Tips, pics and whatever.

Yes, cannabis curing (and I include temples balls here) remains a mystery. Enyzme-driven transformations appear to be the key, whether from microbial growth and/or residual enzymes from cannabis cells/tissue. [But with the cited heat-based decarbing part, the enzymes and/or microbes would need to be unusually heat tolerant].

Ideally, if the temple ball and other curing processes were understood we could control and/or improve them. Just as there are beneficial live soil/media microbial products, there could (should) be live microbial-based curing products. For ex., just add cultured microbes to your curing-customized Grove-like bag or container of weed and properly store.
There are other cannabinoids that also will be made available during the aging/curing process. Different terps will decline, while others will be brought out.
based on what I have read over the years and with the new research around terps - I would say you have pretty much hit on the head there.
Once the balls are essentially sealed shut by creating their outer shell the magic happens - the older the better and it seems to be the changes in terpenes alongside the conversions of various cannabinoids that does it - I cant remember exactly but I think it was in the old book "Hashish" by Robert Connell Clarke where in countries that make "black style" hash the upper echelons would only smoke the stuff that had been cured for 10 years or so - Hash snobbery is very much age based :pass:
based on what I have read over the years and with the new research around terps - I would say you have pretty much hit on the head there.
Once the balls are essentially sealed shut by creating their outer shell the magic happens - the older the better and it seems to be the changes in terpenes alongside the conversions of various cannabinoids that does it - I cant remember exactly but I think it was in the old book "Hashish" by Robert Connell Clarke where in countries that make "black style" hash the upper echelons would only smoke the stuff that had been cured for 10 years or so - Hash snobbery is very much age based :pass:
LOL! 1 year was the longest I lasted. I made around Memorial Day, so I waited a full year and cracked on that day as my memorial for my fallen brothers.
I'll probably make another when I shake Night Owl's Mangos N Chem.
These will be 4 years old this summer. From lemon ak dry sift. Only really bust it out for family holidays and particularly rough days
1 year was the longest I lasted
that's normally where I end up - no matter how much top shelf bud I have around me, if there is Hash within a 20 mile radius it will get sniffed out and blazed up

just grabbed a nice bit of Moroc out of the stash for todays smoke


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that's normally where I end up - no matter how much top shelf bud I have around me, if there is Hash within a 20 mile radius it will get sniffed out and blazed up

just grabbed a nice bit of Moroc out of the stash for todays smoke
The high is outstanding, but the flavor is what draws me the most. I'll take a hit of hash over live rosin.
I have smoked hash, but the Yocan Evolve Plus just takes the hash to the next flavor level.
It's that time again!
Shake Shake Shake!
Shake Shake Shake!

Shake Yo Canna!

Well, the store finally got some dry ice in! I have been putting off shaking Mangoes N Chem for a while. I have no idea why! Good idea

She turned out to be quite the producer! And naturally, the entire house reeks! But it's definitely a sweet smell!
I did make some procedural changes that I will definitely utilize in the next shakes!

You know, there is something to that old saying, "Necessity is The Father of Invention"! I had never picked up fresh dry ice at this store. One bag/block was definitely not gonna do it, so I definitely had to get 2. I had to bust it up quite a bit at the store to get it to fit in my cooler. The look of the young little checker was priceless!
I had never had that much dry ice in this little cooler. That will come into play in my ordeal of getting this done tonight.

I thought that I got everything arranged before I left going to the store, where I could just jump into shaking the cannabis. I had no idea where I had placed my heavy-duty scissors when I used to chop up the buds. Mangoes N Chem made some absolutely huge buds.

So the only thing I could do on the first round was break it up by hand! It was still fairly well frozen but at residential freezer temperatures. After I got the material in the bubble bowls added the dry ice and let it set for quite a while. While that was getting cold, I put the remainder of the bag on top of the first layer of ice in the cooler and put the remainder of the first bag on top of it.

After that first shake was over with and I dumped out the material and recovered a bunch of the dry ice for the next shake. Well, the canna sitting in the cooler was quite frozen! While still in the freezer bag I could just squeeze the chunky buds and they broke down quite easily! Oh yeah that was quite nice! No more scissors are needed!!!!!!

I do think it helped with quality production. First shake production was really good! I checked the first shakes down to two minutes and 30 seconds. This time frame assures a quality product. Second shakes were on to big back platters. One of the important changes I made, was to collect the material from the bowels immediately after lifting the top bowl off and placing it over another bowl temporarily. this made collecting of the material a lot easier and less sticky.

All of the first shake was collected and placed on the same kind of black platters. I just collected and added all the shake from the bowls. All of this is going to get squished. If I had purchased the molds, I would probably go ahead and make some temple balls with trying a new technique, a little bit of cheating, just to kind of get the ball rolling a little quicker and making temple balls.

I'll see how much second shake material I have tomorrow, once it dries . I may make some MCT oil with it,as one of the things. All trays sitting in an air-conditioned room until the morning. Everything should be nice and dry and collectible in the morning. I have a Veteran fundraiser to go to in the morning, and I'm gonna try and squish so to take to some friends that will be there.

I'm very happy with the production I got from Night Owl's Mangoes N Chem!

All of the work material is on a big aluminum tray in the grow room with a fan lightly blowing over it. Still lots of dry ice mixed in, some of the girls are getting a little increase of CO2. This method was a little wasteful in dry ice with the amount that I got, but I think it was worth using it to keep the bud extremely frozen. The rest of the dry ice is still in the chest, but it's sitting there in the grow room giving the girls a little bit of additional CO2

I'll stir it a little bit before I go to bed and then when I get up I will stir more until it's nice and dry. After it gets dry, I will put it in the Ardent FX and run it through all the cycles of D carb and infuse until everything's worked, utilizing the same oil and adding make up oil in between infusing. It will come out with some very potent coconut oil! My my vet buddy in Dallas is afraid of his that I gave him!

Mangoes N Chem's big buds!

I think this stainless steel bowl has an odd visual effect!

Here's all the first shake!

I think for one of "Those days", things worked out pretty well

edit........... Yes you see purple buds
@Mara Cachafa @JaxsoNL5
thanks for the slaps! I thought it would be good to inform about the decent production of this particular girl. There's not really a whole lot of videos out there on dry ice shake and I've never seen anybody give the tip about busting up the dry ice frozen bud while still in the bag. I think that one tip does help production in a noticeable amount.

So dry ice, presumably as chips or purchased as pellets mixed in, works well to freeze buds and allow them to be broken up while deep frozen and brittle vs. breaking up at room temp. But what humidity level, how extensive drying is done before this?

I presume as complete drying as possible is better/best vs. having any free, non-strongly-bound water remaining in the buds? Is this correct?

I've only sifted a few times. But fully drying (and also decarbing) by putting buds in the oven at 220˚F for ~30 minutes and then breaking them up manually worked well (enough).