Well I had a bit of a minor mishap... got home last night after being gone for a few days, res was empty but girls were still looking okay so probably just ran out earlier that day... Made up a new res before I went to bed, then when I checked on them this morning the GG tray was still empty... Pulled out the valve and sure enough it was clogged up

So looks like even with the Drip-Clean these will still need regular maintenance... there was quite a bit of crap in the lines when I was flushing them out too. So just a heads up
@HemiSync @IzzyTheGrower @briman you should be cleaning and flushing everything at least every few weeks still. Also a good idea to check the trays every time you make up a new res to make sure they are filling.
The GG was looking a bit rough with several damaged leaves and branches flopping over since it probably was without water for a full day... she will recover fine just a bit of a piss off since she was looking perfect up to that point. I'll do a picture update tomorrow, hopefully she's looking better by then.