Sweet Seeds "Guess the Weight" Contest - Sponsored by Sweet Seeds

Trapper dude, you gotta quit counting those chicks before they hatch. Or not. I do it every time I stick my head in the room though... that buds an 1/8... 1/4 or wow... how much will that bud come out at?
Trapper dude, you gotta quit counting those chicks before they hatch. Or not. I do it every time I stick my head in the room though... that buds an 1/8... 1/4 or wow... how much will that bud come out at?

Totally guilty....although I'm not really counting on a particular number...it's nice to fantasize about how much I can gift vs. how much I'll need to get to the next harvest etc.....:)
Congratulations, Kyliekay and Appleweed and of course to Muddy for this amazing plant and the contest :thumbs:

And of course, to say thanks to all of you for the participation and all the nice words
about Sweet Seeds you leaved in this thread :grat:
Sweet smoke

Thanks jay all this makes me so proud of dark devil and her clear amazing sweet genetics. It was truly an honor to watch her grow, thank you sweet seeds for my dark devil and thank u Afn for all the help and support, congrats again appleweed great guess buddy, thank you muddy for all the organising well done oh and for letting my dark devil be the guess the weight plant. "AFN smoke out"
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I just wanted to say thanks again to AFN and sweet seeds!
Congrats to Kyliekay, for the plant, and to Appleweed for the luck and experienced eye :D

Enjoy the harvest Kylie and enjoy growing the seeds Johney ;)

Thanks to all the other participants. And a big Thanks to Muddy for running the initiative. Sweet smokes!
