Outdoor guerilla growing


Dopey Jim

Really envy you chaps that live with so much space around you that makes guerilla growing possible.
I live in a town in Cornwall and it's so crowded that his method of growing is just not feasible the filth would either have it away or some scrote would steal my hard work!
What I am tempted to do is sow ordinary hemp seed just to get people used to the plant and confuse the rozzers!
Couple of years back some bird keeping friends of mine grew a plant from some hemp based bird seed (accidentally) and they didn't know what it was until I pointed it out, it had actually frosted up nicely and was a pleasant, if weak, smoke.
Why not take a trip into all the country side around you jim and drop beans,there must be some spots were you can grow some small stealthy autos next season,:bong:
When I breed out some of my own seeds I may well do but bought seeds too expensive to risk it

---------- Post added 10-20-2011 at 11:09 AM ----------

Good point buhhda man will probably go with coop's suggestion when seed plentiful
Why not take a trip into all the country side around you jim and drop beans,there must be some spots were you can grow some small stealthy autos next season,:bong:

Thats what we do here . Travel up to 100 miles to plant . For myself , I live in the "stix" and can go 50' and be in dense woods . But I still travel as to keep it away from my home as well as the ripoffs and choppers.
i've grown in cornwall plenty times. plenty of discrete areas outside the suburbs, None of my projects were ever compromised or raided by the rippers... crack on mate and good luck.. you can do it because people just do..
i grow in yorkshire, best place to look is birch woods as they are light and airy, farm boundries, upper heathland. in the middle of huge gorse stands. middle of bramble patches. stay out of heavy woodland u will get 0 for your effort. try growing in a new tree plantation. no one checks them, they are left for 30 years or so then ripped down, also they have some clear patches where the baby trees didnt make it. stay out of pine stands they are horrendous. Dont grow near public paths, or where ppl go fishing. Do take a dog or binos so you have a reason to be wherever you will be. Dont try to be a ninja and hide that will just make ppl suspicious. Go in the day time never go at night. you can grow anywhere just put slug pellets down and slow release food capsules and let em do their beshizzle, next year me and my mate have 4 plots of 15 to 20 in each plot Roll on the good times!
hey elijah why can't i view the videos it takes me to a youtube page with some random videos