Outdoor Guerilla grow - 100x autoflower!

Good yielding strains. Do you plan on doing 1 site of 100, 4 sites of 25, 10 sites of 10 or a different break down?

Hey man. Im thinking of doing 1 site of 50 and 2 sites of 25. Im also thinking of get 10 normal strains, not auto and just let them live their life for 3 months... Just for fun to see how they will grow :)
Google 'massive outdoor grow' and read what Julian has to say, lots of good info in that thread, its a big one tho, will take you a while....
Just a question guys, is it really any diffrence with doing a lots of small holes or just one big like 2x1?(meter) and seed like 10 plants in it? Positive and negative things? Or is it just the same thing?

You really don't want to plant more than 2 or three in any one spot. thats how the spot them from the air. You need to spread them out over a large area.
Autos are small enough, I wouldnt worry about air surveillance unless you plant in patterns that are easy to see from above. Rows are a big no no, or geometric patterns. If you plant them irregularly, in a group with irregular edges, not a circle or square, etc. You should be fine.
You have some good tips in here. Especially digging your holes a couple weeks before you plan on bringing your babies out, and Jobe’s tomatoes spike (for veg. use Jobe’s Fern & Palm for flowering).

I use a cordless drill and a bulb auger. You can dig sideways with the augre to get a 6x8 inch hole in about 20 seconds. I've used an Ice Auger with a modified tip for soil, but it's easier to carry and it's quicker with a Bulb Auger.

Before I head out to drill my holes, I'll mix a batch that I'll carry in a backpack with the following:
Soil Starter Mix in a 5 Gallon Pail:
  • 1 cup Dolomitic limestone
  • 2 gal of vermiculite
  • 2 gal of peat moss
  • StimRoot Rooting Hormone Powder (1 small jar)
  • 1/2 cup Water crystals - don't go nuts with these or they'll push your plant out of the ground when it rains. (tear apart a diaper. The cotton and crystals inside 1 diapers will work very well)
  • 1 cup time release ferts (Osmocote) - I don't know about this, but I'll do it to half.

Put 1 small handful into each hole.
Put 3 Jobe's Spikes around each hole. Fern spikes for Autos, Tomato spikes for photoperiods when planted + 4-6 Jobe's Fern spikes at flowering time (more if they're big fuckers).

Side note: Most times, an old abandoned country school house will have a well pump next to it and makes an excellent place to put a couple experimental plants. :)