With the Fast Buds schedule keep in mind just using AN pH Perfect base nutes with minimal additives work very well (or much the same or maybe even better), such as without near constant addition of B-52, RhinoSkin (Si), Bud Candy, etc. I think it better to be more selective when to use various supplements, such as those salts-based or providing good amounts of N, and only use them occasionally, not every feed, or at certain stages of growth. As others have noted, it's best to at least start out conservative, use less than the published regimens.
Also many perfectly suitable supplements are not including in these regimens. Such as it may be prudent to regularly or sometimes add humic and/or fulvic acids, seaweed/kelp concentrates, enzymes (such as AN's Sensizyme), wetting agents/surfactants (such Yucca, Quillaja), terpenoid precursors/boosters, micronutrients, a preventative insecticide (Neem, rosemary oil, etc.), .......etc.
Note, Adv. Nutrient's own regimens and derivatives, such as from Fast Buds, do not include ever adding cal-mag! Presumably, the nutes contain enough. When I used AN base nutes, I recall adding low-mid dose cal-mag 1-3x/grow, and usually did this by foliar adminstration, avoiding adding these salts to the feed water.