Outdoor Guerilla grow - 100x autoflower!

Nov 30, 2014
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Hello ladies and gentlemen!
Im planning on doing a huge guerilla grow with 100x autoflower plants in 2015/June - August. My location is 60*N. With a project as huge as this one I need to get everything right because I will put a lot of efforts and money in it.

This is my plan:
Im going to germinate my seeds in rapid rooters. I will keep them in dark and humid climate till I see something grow and then I will put them under 200 watt lamp for about 1 weeks.
While the plants are under the lamp, I will go to my location where I will grow the plants and make holes in the ground, the hole size will be the same as 2 gallon pots. Then I will fil the holes with my soil mix.
When the seedings have been under the 200 watt lamp for 1 week I will take them out to the balcony for about 5-7h/day to use them to the sun for about 1 week before I transplant them to the holes.

I will build a fence around the location where I will have my grow so no animal can enter and destroy it. I also will spray the location with antipasto to avoid pest and insects. This might sound a bit gross but I will pee around the place, I heard this keep deers and other animals away too.


  • What kind of soil should I use? I have read alot about this subject but its hard... Some people say just plant in a place that is surronded by green and healthy plants, check the soil so it feels like a spong. Some other says you can use good quality organic potting soil. But will these mixes have enough nutriens for my plants from the transplanting to the harvest? I dont wanna add any extra nutriens while they are growing, I only want to add it in the soil before I transpant them if its neccsasery. I want to arrchive the best result I can from the soil without overkill it.
  • Should I put the mix in grow bags and then put the bags in the hole or does it not matter if I just pour the soil in the hole?
  • How can I avoid mold in best? I have read that everytime I check the plants I should shake the them so all the water fall of, but is that enough?
  • When I put my seedings on the balcony for 5-7h/day should I put them back under the light when I take them in again?

Thank you and please if you have any tips or think I should change something with my plan then please tell me, all help is positive!

Do something to prevent slugs. I believe that you also have the Ibeian slug in Sweden?
You can make a protection colar out of a tomato can or beer can.
I don´t grow in single plant holes, i dig the ground and mix compost in it all and then plant the plants.

Hello ladies and gentlemen!
Im planning on doing a huge guerilla grow with 100x autoflower plants in 2015/June - August. My location is 60*N. With a project as huge as this one I need to get everything right because I will put a lot of efforts and money in it.

This is my plan:
Im going to germinate my seeds in rapid rooters. I will keep them in dark and humid climate till I see something grow and then I will put them under 200 watt lamp for about 1 weeks.
While the plants are under the lamp, I will go to my location where I will grow the plants and make holes in the ground, the hole size will be the same as 2 gallon pots. Then I will fil the holes with my soil mix.
When the seedings have been under the 200 watt lamp for 1 week I will take them out to the balcony for about 5-7h/day to use them to the sun for about 1 week before I transplant them to the holes.

I will build a fence around the location where I will have my grow so no animal can enter and destroy it. I also will spray the location with antipasto to avoid pest and insects. This might sound a bit gross but I will pee around the place, I heard this keep deers and other animals away too.


  • What kind of soil should I use? I have read alot about this subject but its hard... Some people say just plant in a place that is surronded by green and healthy plants, check the soil so it feels like a spong. Some other says you can use good quality organic potting soil. But will these mixes have enough nutriens for my plants from the transplanting to the harvest? I dont wanna add any extra nutriens while they are growing, I only want to add it in the soil before I transpant them if its neccsasery. I want to arrchive the best result I can from the soil without overkill it.
  • Should I put the mix in grow bags and then put the bags in the hole or does it not matter if I just pour the soil in the hole?
  • How can I avoid mold in best? I have read that everytime I check the plants I should shake the them so all the water fall of, but is that enough?
  • When I put my seedings on the balcony for 5-7h/day should I put them back under the light when I take them in again?

Thank you and please if you have any tips or think I should change something with my plan then please tell me, all help is positive!

All soil has nutrients in it. Even if you fill a hole with potting soil the roots may grow out into the local soil so any organic mix would be fine, or as Goerilla says, just mix some compost into the dirt you removed from the hole and be done.

I"m planning to do the same thing using small autos for better stealth. I'm making my own seed to avoid the expense of so many seeds! Good luck! :Sharing One:
Do something to prevent slugs. I believe that you also have the Ibeian slug in Sweden?
You can make a protection colar out of a tomato can or beer can.
I don´t grow in single plant holes, i dig the ground and mix compost in it all and then plant the plants.


Hi! Thank you for the tips, I had forget these small devils... I will use iron phosphate, when the slugs eat it they will never eat again, they lose their appetite and die. Is the colar effective against other insects? Is compost enough? Do the plant get all it need and grow from seedings to harrvest without adding any other nutriens? Its smarter to do like you... Less work hehe!
All soil has nutrients in it. Even if you fill a hole with potting soil the roots may grow out into the local soil so any organic mix would be fine, or as Goerilla says, just mix some compost into the dirt you removed from the hole and be done.

I"m planning to do the same thing using small autos for better stealth. I'm making my own seed to avoid the expense of so many seeds! Good luck! :Sharing One:

You do femseeds?
Hi! Thank you for the tips, I had forget these small devils... I will use iron phosphate, when the slugs eat it they will never eat again, they lose their appetite and die. Is the colar effective against other insects? Is compost enough? Do the plant get all it need and grow from seedings to harrvest without adding any other nutriens? Its smarter to do like you... Less work hehe!

The colar only works against slugs. It´t meant to be like a slug fence for one plant.
Sorry for the bad explanation, i can not do better in english, i try to insert a picture: http://web.gr33nheaven.org/images/gBKe.jpg
I also use fertilizer pellets like those for normal vegatable garden. Like this: http://greenandblueshop.dk/produkter/48-kunstgoedning/23-havens-helaarsgoedning/

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G00d luck, have you ever grown outside before? What strain are you doing? Ive read good things about Espoma Garden Tone organic fertilizer. If your dirt has good consistency, 1 cup / plant of that would be a good start. If its bad soil, might want to consider mixing the dirt half and half with a good mix or peat moss.
Sounds good man, thats a big crop for a first up ! I'm an outdoor dude, my philosophy on growing is to keep as close to nature as possible. I'd be doing bigger holes if I was you, 2 Gal, 7.5 L, not much man. Yes they'll grow through to the natural soil but if the soils crap underneath your mix, it WILL cost you in yield. It's all about the soil man, give them plenty to grow into. I grow in organic compost and mix in an organic fertilizer which contains chicken shit, fish meal, blood & bone, seaweed, worm castings , rock minerals, natural gypsum, sulphate of potash & rock phosphate. I also mix in perlite & vermiculite and course river sand. For photo plants I dig holes about 4ft deep & 3ft wide and load it with the mix. I will be growing my auto's in 80-100L pots with the same mix, would advise you to dig holes about that big for your auto's (approx 20-25 gallons). I will probably get crucified for saying this is over the top, but in my experience with photo's it was well worth the extra digging and as auto's are a different beast, any stunting will cost you dearly. Good luck man :peace:
Vakten... All good With u? I think i go outdoor aswell next summer. Deep inside the skog :)
You do femseeds?

Not yet, I'm going to though first new batch will all be regs, but that’s ok I want to breed at least two females, then I'll make fem pollen from some of their offspring