Guano/EWC tea how-to

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr Piggy
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Nice link Mrjones15!
I've been reading and found something cheaper. What I'm trying to do is get everything I need for veg and flowering stage now so I'm ready for whenever but I'm dropping $50 on this <---pump <---2 air stones to run two buckets at once <---tubing

If someone could confirm that these would work well that'd be cool :thumbs:

I've already spent near a thousand dollars (minus a couple hundred) but still that was this year in a couple months idk what you guys spend but that's a lot of money to me at this time. I just want to achieve the absolute best medical that I can grow and the more I read the more I spend lol so I was going to go with this route and save a few bucks..

Bacterial for veg and fungi for flowering (the recipe is in the above link)
Yea scratch that other shit above it :p
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Mr Piggy, I have 4 plants which are pretty small so far, so I water each with 100 ml of water. That makes 400 ml of tea. This amount won't even cover the whole airstone =)
Can I just wix all the stuff with water and use it right away without bubbling it for a day?
Can I make a tea with no airstone? I have the pump and tubing, but no air stone. Can I just put the tubing in the bucket without air stone to aerate?
I would.say No. Only because of the size of the O2 molecules
They will be to large and will be bad for the bacteria
Can I make a tea with no airstone? I have the pump and tubing, but no air stone. Can I just put the tubing in the bucket without air stone to aerate?

I have done that successfully many times. Get in there and stir it regularly as the single stream of bubbles does not cause enough surface area to circulate the water around. Compost and other material can build up in the corners and go anerobic on you. I will say that using an airstone will produce better tea, but is not nessicary. I would also suggest avoiding Guanos till you have an airstone as they seem to need more air to keep from going funky.
When making the tea after adding the ingredients do I leave it in the sun or shade to aerate over night? is heat good or bad?
I would not leave it in direct sunlight as UV will kill some stuff. Heat will make it brew faster than cool. Some people do put in little heaters to keep them at a certain temperature, I don't know what temp that is though :peace: