Guano/EWC tea how-to

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I'm trying to make approx 4 gal of tea. My ingredients are

1 large handful worm castings (1 cup approx)
1/4 cup indo guano
2 tblsp Alaska liquid fish fert
4 Tlbsp molasses -earthjuice high brix

I also add 1 - 2 scoopes of great white about 2 hours before I use.

My problem is that it doesn't seem to foam the way I have seen others foam. I'm using well water and bubble stones. Temps are around 75f in the room I'm making it.
What's going wrong? Why no foam?

About 14 hours brewing

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Evol, a lack of foam is not necessarily mean that its not a good tea. Some teas just won't foam depending on the ingredients or brew method. i rarely see any foam until after 24 hours of brewing my teas. i've used them with no foam and with foam and there's not much difference imo. hope this helps.

Are you brewing that tea for veg or flower? :Sharing One:
Thanks pher. I let it sit 48 hours and I have some foam now. I'll be using it tonight. This is for plants I just put into bloom.
I decided to run the airpump in my water for 24 hours before adding the ingredients and when I put them in and added molasses it foamed almost immediately. I'll let it brew for 24 hours then use.
It seems like pre-oxygenated water may be the way to go.
What process of cleansing does your well water go through? If chlorine is used, that would explain the 24 hrs.
If I let it sit (without bubbling) for 24 hours then make tea it still doesn't foam a lot. I have to let it sit 24 then bubble for 24 then make tea.
I didn't even consider that something was added to clean the well water..I'm not sure so I'm just ordering an ro filter to be safe.
I use a 5 gallon water jug, filled to about 3 inches below the top with rain water. I put in 1 cup used coffee grounds, 1 cup alfalfa pellets, 2 cups rabbit poo and 2oz molasses. The solids are premixed in a garbage can and usually somewhat moist and moldy. Throw in an airstone from an aquarium and its good in about 2 days. I leave the last few cups in the jug when I refill, as a starter and it seems to get going faster that way. I use it straight on my mature plants, and diluted 3 water to 1 tea for young plants. I know its ready to use because it will start to foam over the top of the jug, if I let it go a couple more days the foam dies down, Im guessing because the yeast and bacteria have used up the available nutrients and activity has slowed. I try to use it when its good and frothy.

This is the molasses I use, works fine and plants seem to love it.
Do you not have to worry about e. coli, etc with rabbit poo? Manure teas scare me a bit but maybe it's because I've never tried them. :peace:
Flowering Tea's

I was wondering is there any ingredients that should be omitted from tea's once you get to the flowering stage? like fish emulsion, and bat guano? or excess nitrogen ?

Will these ingredients give your smoke a funny taste? I imagine flushing with plain water before would be a good idea.

Are there any ingredient's that should be added to tea during flowering I do have cal/mag but not sure if its organic so would rather go with adding more molasses will that suffice under a LED.

can you use a weak tea every watering during flowering?

Thanks for all the help on this much appreciated.
1 of my Tea Recipes

This is one Recipe I like to use as a full on flower tea brew.depends what you have ofcourse but fish should be avoided the last several weeks of flower since it could possibly lend to a taste within the bud.but often a 3 week flush takes care of that.Guanos are excellent but if you dont have a buffering soil thats active you could be heading towards a headache,since Guanos run with them in flower with non buffering soils should be avoided or used at small doses.little pinches literally,maybe 1/4 teaspoon at most.I use Bone meal personally.

But molasses is always good.I like the vitastrap powdered blackstrap molasses 1:1 ratio.excellent for quality teas imo.but most any youll pick up at the store is fine.most come without anymore,so.

I often use a basic recipe such as for a ohhh,say 3 gallon mix, lets say..3 tablespoons Molasses.

I use filtered tap(Well water) water(no chlorine, bubble 24 hrs. if present) bubbled for an hour or so to raise levels of O2 and activate the O2 a lil more along with raising the PH lightly too.then I 'll blend in molasses/Honeys n such.then i add some organic liquid kelp and azomite with a cup of mushroom compost and cow compost(or EWC in place of cow at 1/2 cup). then i add my inoculate of your choosing.I recommend using atleast two multi spectrum inoculates(@ no more than 1-1.5 teaspoons total) with a decent endo spectrum too.the sprinkle that in while bubbling and honeys n molasses n stuff is added.then once its actually showing signs of building I add a Tbspoon or 1.5 Tablespoons of bonemeal or even 2 in some cases and sprinkle that over the top into the tea. then I take the tea bag with the composts and Azomite and insect frass(i feel that makes it the most well rounded for flower early to mid stage) and suspend that in the bubbles and a day er so. later it should be quite ready.depending on your bubble volume and intensity shoot for 24 hours. But I used a recipe almost exactly like this and had the best grow of my life if you have a TLO soil or similar ,Id bet that would give you a poppin Tea man and zero PH issues.if ya can help it never try to PH a finished tea unless its a heavy concentrate and your soil dont buffer well.

I personally like to add other stuff as well.but thats about sugars cabs n such.

3 gallon flower tea

Liquid kelp 60-90cc's or 2-3 ounces

1/2 cup EWC or 1 cup cow compost

1 cup mushroom compost

1-1.5 Tablespoons of azomite

Molasses or in combination with Organic Honey as well. add a total of 3-3.5 tablespoons

Bonemeal 1-1.5 Tablespooons

Inoculates you'll add not much more than 1/2 teaspoon to about a full rounded teaspoon.

and insect frass is tricky.Id only add about 1/4-1/2 cup.BUT if you need certain things such as a lil more N or Chitosan or whatever properties you desire for said plant(s) you can bust a move on about 1/2 cup PER gallon of waterr.BUT unless youve used the Frass and know it..dont use it unless for a soil drench er something.

and if you go without the guano you could add a slight small pinch of Humic acid to round things a lil.but again not needed.

and cal-mag:Id add some ground up eggshells dried out or just buy an organic cal mag supplement.Got any questions your welcome to PM me.could take a day er two to get to ya.I know brother Pig is Busy these days.but I brew a fair amount of teas and have multiple recipes I used for veg,concentrates,Transition as well and full bloom and flush hi cabs tea recipes I used.thats on my organic thread in indoor gardening.Hope that helps ya dude and take it easy..LOL! MAN I type slow..took me awhile to do this write up..LOL!well Im high too so that dont helpp..L8r man~!


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