Guano/EWC tea how-to

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr Piggy
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pH has been between 6.3 and 6.7, I aim for 6.5 but don't freak out if i miss by a few points. That particular tea went into RO water and was exactly 6.52 on its own this morning when I checked it with my hanna pen. I'm not going to add anything except pH balanced water for 1 week and see where I get.
Already noticeable bud development and leaf darkening after just 8 hours of administering about 1.5L of that tea to my 3 plants. The PAK responded quickest, she filled in with some green while I was at work. Very pleased.:bong:
Man i just found this thread too Piggy Great stuff ....LOw these teas are ahmmazing as welll right ....I did one and I have fed water only 1 now ......I will let my ladies drink a good tea between week 4-5 ....I do like foliar srpaying with a very mild tea the day before i water i have found that trick through some reading .......Piggy Great stuff .....and Kelp Meal ....I will Mix Some Dry tea Too next I have been doing alot of LIquid based teas ...I also have added the fAMOUS seagrow to a tea ......them ladies really showed on that one a whole week of puberty happened .....
I believe its summn to do with the humic getting that chance to turn it into finer soup the molasses aids in growth of many more microbes .....Piggy could i post a link to the microbe stuff ....I had got it in a thread when i started one a while back ......It has a good explanation how this stuff does like steroids when its all bubbled for 48 hours ....that hiow long i have done 1 and its nasty ....Come from some of the Mods Jm and Dirt and others like that
Here's a simple tea that I make sometimes; One gallon jug, half full of RO water. Add a tablespoon each of Jobes Organic fertilizer, Alfalfa Pellets, Dry Molasses. Shake it up good and let an airstone run in it for 24 hours. Be sure to put a tray under the jug because it will definitely foam at the mouth. Strain some into a spray bottle for some foliar action, dump the sludge on the soil.
Thanks a lot piggy. I have well water so not to much worried about chlorine. Gonna aerate for a couple hours before anyway. I don't plan on using a tea bag gonna just dump it in there. I'm dirty also. Haha thanks for the advice. One love to ya
As long as the water has no chlorine or chloramine in it it's fine to start bubbling as you mix it up. That's what I do. Just make sure to stir the tea a few times a day, making sure to get down in the bottom corners of the bucket. I reach in with my hand at the start and break up all the molasses, otherwise it'll stay globby on the bottom. I also shake and squeeze the "tea bag" when I stir, I like to break up the PSB guano pellets.

I've never used bio bizz, but I don't see why not? I prefer to use teas with True Living Organic soil mixes, they really shine brightest when used together.
how long exactly is a good tea brewed for ...some say a week i havnt doen 1 past 4 days .......but man the 4 days tea with my recipe has this nasty sludge always on top the molasses coagulated .....but that is the Microbe warriors pilling up to feed from what i ahve read before ......Teas are the shit of the shit lol
Two days max, you don't want a whole bunch of sludge. Keep stirring it every now and then and keep it aerated.