The more Blue light plant grew significantly well thou. It had deeper and darker colors than the Red. The hairs of Ginger were more vibrant and brighter green of the bud and bright green of the leaves were more bright and vibrant.
The overall health of the plant just looked to be better than the more Red Spectrum plant.

( I have answers for this, they'll come later on in this report )
More Blue light plant 12/25/20 before the last full trim. ( "less" leaf's and bud sites are noticeable )
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Compared to the Red light plant
Red light plant 12/25/20. Before 2nd full trim. There is "More" leaf's branches, and Bud sites

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Maybe that's a good thing or maybe it's not???.

Thing's to ponder on
More Red photon plant bud's
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Compared to
More Blue photon plant Bud pics
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Lots of color in the more Blue photon plant.

The reason we see more color in the Blue plant vs the Red Photon plant is because the UV is stronger with the 41k bulb. The plant is protecting itself from the UV so it throws out more color to protect itself from the UV.
The longer wave length of the 30k more Red photons. Tell's the plant
( that is being shaded ) So the plant will grow more leaves and longer branches bud sites and stretch to the sunlight to collect more light for photosynthesis.
Waste trim from the more Blue Photon plant. There was a lot more waste trim at harvest compared to the Red.
(Red waste 144g vs Blue 165g)
Blue waste trim 165g
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Red waste trim 144g
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Dry yield flower weight. When available will be up dated.
So the differences are pretty clear.

So now how to use this information?
Light Recipes are a emerging science.
Different light can influence flavors can influence THC production THCV production, all of the cannabinoids are affected by light. The amount of foliage, Bud sites, Branch production, Colors, are all influenced by light.
We could see the difference from the Red vs Blue photon. The Red had lots of Bud sites lots of lighter green foliage.
When the Blue had a little less Bud sites but had lots of vibrant colors, also less stage trimming.
( I don't know about the aromas or the flavors yet from my own science?)
" But will soon"
But ( "The science of dr. Bruce Bugbee says that these will all be enhanced due to the more Blue photons." )
Now it's just a matter of coming up with light recipes.

I'm pushing forward with every grow to try and come up with light recipes and document my work so it can be repeat over and over again to come up with conclusive results. And out of these results I can dictate a plant outcomes do to light recipes, along with other factors.
More to come in updated as information becomes available to me and I've concluded test that I've done to give you firsthand knowledge of what I've discovered.

I hope this is helpful tidbit of knowledge to help you tailor your grow more to your likings or Pacific yield or flavor profile.
Thanks for stopping by