Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Basement of green [emoji106] i wish i could grow like you not hiding myself and me plants :shrug: like always best looking what grow under your hands brother.

Passing some:pass:
Thanks man, [emoji482][emoji482]
I appreciate that as always thanks thanks thanks...
I hope and pray one day that you'll be able to grow in the open and not have to hide so much I know it's legal here in Michigan now but I'm still following my rules that I have to follow underneath my license that says I have to cage my grow but I'm going to try and grow more like I did in 2017 this summer with a few of my ladies I'm not exactly sure which ones yet but I do know the somango is going to be on that list I want to let her grow as big as she can get this year I want it to grow like an oak tree

Wow I've never heard or seen this strain that's amazing
I know right that's first time I ever seen it too my buddies been growing it for about 9 or 10 months now maybe a little bit longer than that he's grown two crops of it he says it's real Hashi got a good flavor he's skeptical about the the high of it though but could be the way he's growing it I don't know I'll find out when I grow it. He grows a little bit different than I do and uses a line of chemicals with soil I think he uses General Hydroponics and I think he also uses I forget the other one megacrop maybe I'm not sure? I'll have to ask him.

My buddy also gave me the mango hash plant from Budhi seeds to and he really likes that he says a lot. Great mango smell on the buds are really tight hard and super Hashi I can't wait to check that out grow to its size

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Up date to the veg garden

Everything is growing Off the Chain man growing fast the low light even is allowing them still to grow fast. The somango leaf is huge it's now wider than I can spread my hand apart by far keeping it short though by keeping a light close to it trying to keep all of these veg plants short and squatty I don't want any of them grow tall or too hard to deal with when they're tall. I'm not trying top any of them I'll be taking clones I was going to today but wound up with other things to do and will do them tonight or tomorrow. We have a couple of new additions to the veg room I drove to Detroit and got the blood hash plant and I also picked up a mango hash plant both are clones from a buddy of mine has been growing these now for a little while they both look very promising I have transplanted them now into custom soil and they will veg here for a while until they're big enough to produce some clones and then I'll start cloning them and if all goes well come the end of May I will set them out to let them grow outside and see what they really can do.

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Haha I couldn't find you by your username grow2grow. derp! lol. But I did find you. TGB is the winner of the goodie bag from The Vault if you didn't know! He's a lucky dog
