Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

i had been putting my used canna soil to one side for use in the veggie garden next year.but reading up on biobizz site they say pull the roots out and go again,as the lightmix has next to no next mission is to try 50/50 new/old soil.i guess after that is 100% old soil see what happens.get the composting started so i can add to or build a soil.
cheers for the inspiration and poking me into action :coffee::smoking::cheers:
i had been putting my used canna soil to one side for use in the veggie garden next year.but reading up on biobizz site they say pull the roots out and go again,as the lightmix has next to no next mission is to try 50/50 new/old soil.i guess after that is 100% old soil see what happens.get the composting started so i can add to or build a soil.
cheers for the inspiration and poking me into action :coffee::smoking::cheers:
Hell yeah [emoji481][emoji482][emoji481][emoji482]no problem my pleasure LoL[emoji12]

Hey Q[emoji481][emoji482] Welcome welcome
yes you do LoL[emoji12]
Yeah it's just a bunch of gibberish anyways LOL
Yeah there might be something good you can take out of there. You're good grower.
I love learning from you guys.
We all have something to share.
That's why I love AFN[emoji482]

We do indeed matey..... Everyday is a school day, always learning lol. You have some tall girls I noticed something I can't seem to achieve lol 2_3 foot max usually for me.
And thanks for the compliment mate you seem to know what you're doing too lol:vibes::pass:
We do indeed matey..... Everyday is a school day, always learning lol. You have some tall girls I noticed something I can't seem to achieve lol 2_3 foot max usually for me.
And thanks for the compliment mate you seem to know what you're doing too lol:vibes::pass:
Vegg longer... I vegg under low light. 4 bulb T5 for a long time. Then when I'm ready to start flowering I'll turn up the lights to 8 bulbs and start more intense vegging for 2 to 4 or 5 weeks before I flip to flowering.
Altogether I may vegg 4 months or more before flipping.
I am usually running 6 to 8 plant groups at a time. But some times they're to big to put them all in the flower room.
That's the case this last time.
I had no room for the Chem Berry D mother. So I cut her down some then placed her in a 65 gallon pot.
She is now over a year and 1 mouth old. I'll put her in the flower room next weekend.
After I harvest tomorrow and clean n repaint the flower room.
I am runing a smaller grow this time and will be making more clones for spring outside growing for clients that want to try there hand at growing.[emoji482]

Littlest one's...
Well the LSD is looking a little troubled.. she may be a mutant disappointing it's the only seed that I have of that strain it was a single seed that I bought. I'll give it another week or two to see what happens...

Had a bit of a surprise[emoji15] I was watering the manipulated girls and seen this weird Branch sticking up???come to find out it was a Seedling popping up in the Bubba Kush pot.. LoL...[emoji12][emoji90][emoji89]
Dont know what it is... But think it maybe a Citrus Super Haze.

More manipulating needed[emoji481][emoji482]
So got a lot to do but not really..
Just a little every 2 days mostly.
It seems like a lot tough.[emoji482]

moving along nicely
moving along nicely
Hey stony T...[emoji481][emoji482]Yeah man... I've been jamming doing some heavy metal all freaking week long... after I got over this damn cold.
so I've been down here a lot banging my head and pinning down weed.[emoji482]
