Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual. no need numbers me see what it likey me likey allot!!! its safer then a hot light around plants.Do you want the top of the line light ? You got to pay to play..GET YOUR LED GAME UP LOL next they will have water misters and night vision cameras with networking on the lights LOL There are too many configurations for me to try and figure out what does I test it on my plants I see tangs grow ...and I see my noob grows getting bom noms 2x now ..GN knows something or why even make them?lol:stylez rasta smoke:
Hi Guys,

Have to say that I am extremely impressed with the Grow Northern Lights. Even after reading the journals and reviews here I still had some reservations as when ever i set foot in a grow store or spoke to people they would say how bad LEDs are and how they would not work.

Glad that I went with ahead and bought the GN006 lights though am super impressed, they have really done a great job with them and they work so well.! Would highly recommend them to anyone who is considering looking for some lights. I think the recent partnership with Dutch Passion is further evidence to there effectiveness

Anyway! I do have a small question i was hoping some people here may be able to help me with. Am experiencing some sort of problem with a few of my plants and was hoping some people here with more experience would perhaps be able to help. I have some OG Kush which are absolutely fine and doing so well. I also have some blueberries that have the exact same environment and feed that are starting to show a few problems. They seem to be a lot more temperamental

The plants are about 5 weeks old now in there Veg and showing some brown rust like spots appearing. Some forming in the middle area of the leaves and some on the edges.

The plants are about 5 weeks old now in there Veg and showing some brown rust like spots appearing. Some forming in the middle area of the leaves and some on the edges. I thought at first it could be nute burn as i saw it appear on the tips but it seems to be appearing on more leaves and in both the centrals areas and edges. It is starting off as rusty like brown spots appearing and is starting to show on more of the leaves. I have a couple of blueberries and all of them are starting to show signs of it. The OG Kush however do not and both have been getting the same feed and conditions etc.

I am growing in Coco in 6 Litre air pots. Temps are a steady 80-82F although as it got cold and i pout the heater on before bed it has risen to about 91F for a few hours. When lights are out it drops to around 72F. Humidity around 40%. Has been as low as 35% and high as 47%

Have been giving around 5.8-59 PH and calibrate my PH pen weekly.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you :)
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Hi Guys,

Was wondering if anyone may be able to give me some advice. pretty sure that I have a calcium deficiency here. After N.W's advice i flushed my plants and gave them normal feed with cal/mag added and phed to 5.7. I am growing in Coco.

It seemed from the best i could tell that the problem slowed or even stopped, however 3 days ago i finally switched to flower and the calcium problem has started to become worse. I have been adding cal/mag to there normal feed. I know that the pH is correct as i recently just calibrated my pen.

Any ideas on what could be the problem? Its my first grow so I am not use to seeing or dealing with these problems. The only thing i can be left thinking is that my water quality is pretty bad. I do have some OG kush in same conditions, same water etc that are doing perfectly fine. But it seems these blueberries are pretty fussy.

I have bought a brita filter in case the problem is with the water. But was wondering if there could be something else i am missing.

Am also starting to wonder now if I have given them to much cal/mag over the past few days and overdosed them. How would i fix if this was the case?

Thanks for any advice.!
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Are both of `em photos? If in vegging mode, the humidity may be a bit low! I would reckon lower humidty is better towards the end of flowering, t`cover yourself as far as mould and suchlike)in veg I`d raise it to 60-70 with a fan blowing etc). Don`t forget these plants are sub-tropical or tropical and if growing enviroment is out of whack, it can prehibit uptake of nutes (40% is low for that climate!) I`ve not grown in coco, but if ya check out the coco section, you may find some helpful info! Some serious chaps/chapess`s are using that medium and if you need too, then those threads will allow you access to those growers(through asking questions or by PM(if an emergency!) These peeps will try t`help(if asked!). All the best mate :smokebuds: :peace:
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If you dont have big buds yet try foliar spray..its fast acting...I use molasses and Epsom salt.:stylez rasta smoke:1/4 tsp to my spray bottle.and upp your cal mag during your water..transition is the tricky part to stay on calmag..not having as much of the problem anymore.I also keep my temps a lil hotter around 80:smokebuds:
If you dont have big buds yet try foliar spray..its fast acting...I use molasses and Epsom salt.:stylez rasta smoke:1/4 tsp to my spray bottle.and upp your cal mag during your water..transition is the tricky part to stay on calmag..not having as much of the problem anymore.I also keep my temps a lil hotter around 80:smokebuds:

Thanks DAB am thinking I may try a foilar spray to try get them to take up some calcium. Have been doing some reading and am starting to think that the problem is maybe with my water. I read that they may be high levels on calcium in my water already but it is of the wrong form and so prevents the plant from being able to take up the good calcium i have been giving in its food. Would make sense as the problem is getting worse but it has been given plenty of calcium. Trying to think of the best way to move forward now. I may have given them to much calcium. Am thinking a foilar spray may help to try and get it to take in some calcium.
Spraying will help bro you can always lift your light and cut the hours back,where is your temp? Low root temps are thought to cause it too....LEDs work better at RH 45% veg and bloom.
Spraying will help bro you can always lift your light and cut the hours back,where is your temp? Low root temps are thought to cause it too....LEDs work better at RH 45% veg and bloom.

Room temps are around 80-85 F. I always give water at about 22-25 C.

Im staring to think it may be high calcium in my water which is causing the good calcium to get locked out. Im not sure though.
Here are some sexy pictures from a very happy customer (me) ^_^
(Hope this is the right place for them)

Also, my cab temp has dropped by 10f since I swaped out the 250w HPS.




Loving it! :) :High 5:
Room temps are around 80-85 F. I always give water at about 22-25 C.

Im starting to think it may be high calcium in my water which is causing the good calcium to get locked out. Im not sure though.

Before starting to think what exactly is in your water, you had better measure Ph. Have you done that? Results may be very surprising. Or not.

If you want good answers to your questions, you will have to post pictures, describe the environment, what have you been doing there etc. Otherwise it is all a big guess.
Before starting to think what exactly is in your water, you had better measure Ph. Have you done that? Results may be very surprising. Or not.

If you want good answers to your questions, you will have to post pictures, describe the environment, what have you been doing there etc. Otherwise it is all a big guess.

I did post all this information further up including pictures. My water is sits at around 7.5 PH from the tap. I always PH it to around 5.8. Im using Coco. The original post with pictures is on the bottom of page 93. The problem has got worse since then though and i will add some new pictures soon.

I know that my pen is accurate because i calibrate it once a week and am using the bluelab PH pen.

Thanks all any help i really do appreciate any advice.