Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual.

It's also a lot cooler just using the one so I'm also saving money by not running my 200w dehumidifier or my extract on full.
No doubt mate, we all live in different weather conditions which is a very good point.
On the other hand I run 2 MS0006s in a tent and I currently have about 28C in there. Summer sucks of course but right now it's all good and will be even better in months to come. :peace:
If you do it only for the quick money, you should get some cheap hps lamps!
If you want the best, you need to pay to get the best.
If you want to be stealthy you need to keep your sound, temp, electricity bill low!
If you care for the environment you want to be as energy efficient as possible.
Everything new electric will become obsolete in 5 years!
Electricity cost will rise in price no-doubt!

Great points SG.
I just did a little math. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Local electricity prices averages at 0.18 Euro / kWh.
1 MS0006 at 20/4 would consume 0.180*20=3.6kWh a day (according to GN's website MS0006 consume about 180 Watts)
To grow 1 hell of a plant (say AutoX) under 2 MS0006s I would use 3.6*2*77=554.4 kWh or 554.4*0.18=99.792 Euro in electricity cost.

Taking TaNg's words, that is where your reasoning and math are completely off.

2 Ms0006 = 590€ = 380w a.p.d.
1 Rebel = 250 + 6x 117€= 952€ = 178w a.p.d

Price difference = 952 - 590€ = 362€
Wattage diff = 380w - 178w = 202w

(202w * 20h)/1000 = 4.04kwh savings
4.04 * 30 days * 12 months = 1454.4 kw per year * 0.18€ = -261.8€ year you save using the Rebel. Pays for itself in 3 and half years (952€ / 261.8) compared to buying 2x Ms006

But thats only half the story.

The Rebel itself costs to run, per year, (178*20)/1000*30*12*0.18 = 230.68€
2x Ms0006 cost per year = 492.48

In 3.5 years, you spend in electricity

Rebel = 230.68*3.5 = 807.38€
2xMs006 = 492.48*3.5 = 1723.68€
Difference = 1723.68 - 807.38 = 916.3€

So what this means is that the Rebel pays for itself in savings in 3.5 years. BUT if you buy 2x Ms006, during that same that period you spend an extra 916€ in electricity.

SO in 3.5 years

Rebel = 952€ cost + 807.30€ to run = 1759.3€ spent in total
2xMs06 = 590€ cost + 1723.68 = 2313.68€

So the real world life difference, in 3.5 years, including initial investment is 1759.3 - 2313.68 = -554.38 in favor of the Rebel.

554.38 / 3.5 = 158.4€ a year savings
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Groff, mate, I already have 2x MS0006s. So it's not only about the upgrades, it's also about the money already spent.
So these savings are a bit illusive to me. 3.5 years is a lifetine these days.
Hey are the rebel upgrades available:stylez rasta smoke: yet?
Groff, mate, I already have 2x MS0006s. So it's not only about the upgrades, it's also about the money already spent.
So these savings are a bit illusive to me. 3.5 years is a lifetine these days.

I was editing my post when you posted this, check it out again!
I have absolutely no clue! Thats up to you! I'm not in it for the money, I'm in it for medicinal oil concentrates.

When I ever need a new light I'll let you know.
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Most of us are not in it for money mate )
At least I hope so )