Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual.

Hey thanks guys. I gotta say, it actually feels a little surreal. I've been wanting to setup an indoor grow for years and now the stars have finally aligned lol.

Oh man... how I relate to that.... welcome aboard buddy, and many happy harvests!! :smokebuds:
Thanks Groff!:Thank You: Really looking forward to some of that dank I used to grow back in Cali. :smokeit:
Hi Guys,

Have to say that I am extremely impressed with the Grow Northern Lights. Even after reading the journals and reviews here I still had some reservations as when ever i set foot in a grow store or spoke to people they would say how bad LEDs are and how they would not work.

Glad that I went with ahead and bought the GN006 lights though am super impressed, they have really done a great job with them and they work so well.! Would highly recommend them to anyone who is considering looking for some lights. I think the recent partnership with Dutch Passion is further evidence to there effectiveness

Anyway! I do have a small question i was hoping some people here may be able to help me with. Am experiencing some sort of problem with a few of my plants and was hoping some people here with more experience would perhaps be able to help. I have some OG Kush which are absolutely fine and doing so well. I also have some blueberries that have the exact same environment and feed that are starting to show a few problems. They seem to be a lot more temperamental

The plants are about 5 weeks old now in there Veg and showing some brown rust like spots appearing. Some forming in the middle area of the leaves and some on the edges.

The plants are about 5 weeks old now in there Veg and showing some brown rust like spots appearing. Some forming in the middle area of the leaves and some on the edges. I thought at first it could be nute burn as i saw it appear on the tips but it seems to be appearing on more leaves and in both the centrals areas and edges. It is starting off as rusty like brown spots appearing and is starting to show on more of the leaves. I have a couple of blueberries and all of them are starting to show signs of it. The OG Kush however do not and both have been getting the same feed and conditions etc.

I am growing in Coco in 6 Litre air pots. Temps are a steady 80-82F although as it got cold and i pout the heater on before bed it has risen to about 91F for a few hours. When lights are out it drops to around 72F. Humidity around 40%. Has been as low as 35% and high as 47%

Have been giving around 5.8-59 PH and calibrate my PH pen weekly.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you :)
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It does look like Lock-Out Coas2..... A good flush, then use Cal/Mag and they should be good too go....:smokebuds:
Would that not re-occur though bro????... How does that clear the salts build up????... Not knocking it just trying to understand how that way can cure a plant.....
Would that not re-occur though bro????... How does that clear the salts build up????... Not knocking it just trying to understand how that way can cure a plant.....

Thanks for the reply N.W. I think i am going to go with what you said and flush them out and give them some cal mag. Seems to make sense and be the logical thing to proceed forward. Thank you.

If anyone else has any other ideas would be greatful for the advice also. thanks :)
I've just joined the GN Club! ^_^

I've got a little delivery of futuristic technology waiting for me at home.
If i told you that i can't wait - it would be a large understatement,

Can't Wait Can't Wait Can't Wait Can't Wait Can't Wait Can't Wait!

Hop digity
LOL... Congratulations on join us Blue....Hop digity :smokebuds: