Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual.

Hi Guys,

Quick question. 5 of my cuttings have died the rest are looking pretty good. Although there is some yellow leaves developing on a few. I was wondering if i was to buy 5 autoflowers seeds and put them as they are quick and would catch up with my other cuttings. Would i run into problems in 4-5 weeks when i turn my lights to 12/12 for flowering how would this effect the autoflower..??

Thanks for the advice.!
They will defiantly catch up bro but you will loose a bit on the autos yield at 12/12. Mr Kip ran some on 12/12 with decent results so it is worthwhile.
They will defiantly catch up bro but you will loose a bit on the autos yield at 12/12. Mr Kip ran some on 12/12 with decent results so it is worthwhile.

Thanks for the quick reply Tang. Will go with the autos then does not matter if yield is slightly effected is better then nothing.! Should i put them in 6 litre air pots again or use bigger pots?

Go at least three gal pots if you can.
You can get decent size autos in your 6L Airpots but 10 to 15L is more suitable as my boy Nammy says.
Yup I would go with the pros on this one..5gal buckets due nicely for low budget .:High 5::vibe:
Hey guys! Well, I'm now officially part of the GN clan :woohoo: Got myself an ms0006. Really pumped on starting my first indoor grow.

Tang buddy, seeing your journals definitely made it an easy decision.
Hey guys! Well, I'm now officially part of the GN clan :woohoo: Got myself an ms0006. Really pumped on starting my first indoor grow.

Tang buddy, seeing your journals definitely made it an easy decision.
WELCOME TO THE GN CREW..Im sure you will be happy with the results..shoot us a link to you grow when you start it Hop digity:styles rasta:
Welcome bro. Your got a quality light there my friend. I have 2 and love them.

Tang buddy, seeing your journals definitely made it an easy decision.

I have to agree. Tang has influenced so many growers on the site in using these LEDs, including me. With all his help and advice and now got my self dialled in.

Check out some grows with the lights, you will see results from different growers with different setup but all still pulling stunning bud.

Best of luck bro. Stay Safe. :pass:
WELCOME TO THE GN CREW..Im sure you will be happy with the results..shoot us a link to you grow when you start it

Welcome bro. Your got a quality light there my friend. I have 2 and love them.

I have to agree. Tang has influenced so many growers on the site in using these LEDs, including me. With all his help and advice and now got my self dialled in.

Check out some grows with the lights, you will see results from different growers with different setup but all still pulling stunning bud.

Best of luck bro. Stay Safe.

Hey thanks guys. I gotta say, it actually feels a little surreal. I've been wanting to setup an indoor grow for years and now the stars have finally aligned lol.

I've been checking out lots of journals over the past two months or so, and yeah, everyone's getting some really nice bud. Kip, your Blue Cheese is a thing of beauty my friend.:Cushty: