Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual.

Hey everyone! I'm finally getting my butt in gear and gonna start my first indoor grow. I'm planning on jumping on the GN bandwagon (seemed like a no-brainer to me). Here's my main concern, I'm working with a bit of a height restriction. What are your thoughts on using an ms0006 in a 100cm/39in high Budbox. I plan on doing a scrog to keep the canopy low and even. Is this a realistic possibility? What do think?
Hey everyone! I'm finally getting my butt in gear and gonna start my first indoor grow. I'm planning on jumping on the GN bandwagon (seemed like a no-brainer to me). Here's my main concern, I'm working with a bit of a height restriction. What are your thoughts on using an ms0006 in a 100cm/39in high Budbox. I plan on doing a scrog to keep the canopy low and even. Is this a realistic possibility? What do think?

I think that you have a winning plan!!
well heirs a question it seem a bit of a silly one but i will ask any way I have seen the ms006 in red and the ms004 in red whats the difference from the black ones ?

As far as I'm aware the silver ones are the updated (not upgraded) versions with the newer Epistar and Epiled chips which are mounted on an aluminium PCB opposed to a plastic.

Hey everyone! I'm finally getting my butt in gear and gonna start my first indoor grow. I'm planning on jumping on the GN bandwagon (seemed like a no-brainer to me). Here's my main concern, I'm working with a bit of a height restriction. What are your thoughts on using an ms0006 in a 100cm/39in high Budbox. I plan on doing a scrog to keep the canopy low and even. Is this a realistic possibility? What do think?

I've have my lights as close as 8 inches in flower,as long as your carefull in the early stages when they don't want as much light you will be fine.....there's also the option to angle the light into the wall so the plants aren't in the direct intensity.
I think that you have a winning plan!!
I've have my lights as close as 8 inches in flower,as long as your carefull in the early stages when they don't want as much light you will be fine.....there's also the option to angle the light into the wall so the plants aren't in the direct intensity.
Awesome guys. Thanks for chiming in. A little reassurance was all I needed:hug:
YOU had yours 8 inches in flower!..CUZ it grow that tall or you put it that close?How were the results?..I mean i know your results lolHop digity:stylez rasta smoke:I dont think I can recall a bad grow due to a GN light upgrade, updated or old school lol They just freakin work!
Ok guys I finally got all I need together (I hope) and ready to go with my GN powered 3'rdgrow attempt. The previous 2 were acceptable for a beginner, curious what improvements will the 2 new ms006 will bring. I got 4x afghan kush ryder and 4x trans siberian, already showing signs of sprout after less then 24h. I germinated them in a cup of water for 24h then I put them in coco plugs and in the pots directly only with canna rhisotonic added to the ph 5.8 water. I use nutes and coco from canna all the way. I hope everything will go ok. Wish me luck! :) Here is a pic with my setup:

