Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual.


Nice girl bro :thumbs: :Sharing One:


I am loving it
now then now then…..

Time to spill the beans … I know you guys all have a hearty collection.
Whats the crack with this new GN module?? Im getting the itch-but no-one wants to scratch...

Any info??

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now then now then…..

Time to spill the beans … I know you guys all have a hearty collection.
Whats the crack with this new GN module?? Im getting the itch-but no-one wants to scratch...

Any info??
Hi DB! :)

It's on their website already for sale. The modules are £100 each and you can buy them in pairs (so £200)
here's the link

As far as how good they are, you can check TaNg's threads as he's been testing and using them for a while. I think most people would be extremely happy with the kind of results he's getting :)

All the best
Blue ^_^
hey Blue.

Thanks for the info. I am a great student of master Tang and been eyeballing his monster threads for some time now, some pretty darn right outrageous results he is achieving . I think a lot of us on here are taking cues from all the knowledge he is blessing us with.

I had already had a good look at the rebel units, and i'm most certainly interested.
But the new 006 units that have been whispered about have me intrigued to say the least.
I know it's all a bit hush hush (seems that DP are also alluding to some kind of updated unit)…

Im a bit like a kid in a toy shop who's had a few too many harribo!
No Worries buddy :)

I think a lot of us on here are taking cues from all the knowledge he is blessing us with.

I know i am!! I think TaNg used to "dread" me coming online while i was considering buying mine ... questions..questions...questions hehe

... best growing decisision i've made and my single favourite peice of grow equipment. I look forward to cleaning her after every grow :)

But the new 006 units that have been whispered about have me intrigued to say the least.

I know what you mean! I've heard about the same as you ... whispers :) I'm sure whatever GN turn out next, and after that will be completely awesome, but the power of a standard unit shouldn't be under estimated. They rock hard! :)
I spoke to GN the other week and the new light sounds awesome, I didn't get the spec, and I'm keeping shut till GN say somthing. I asked about the upgraded and they said they don't do them anymore , how ever they can be made and dispatched in 21 days.
oh man,,,,

More whispers…
Lets hope theres an official announcement coming soon.
I got a feeling there's something tasty cooking in the ove:Gary:n

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oh man,,,,

More whispers…
Lets hope theres an official announcement coming soon.
I got a feeling there's something tasty cooking in the ove:Gary:n
I tried to clean one of the fans by taking off the four screws and removing the cilver cover over the fans.. Now i kant seem to install it back properly. Any tips or guide. Without the outer silver covering the fan is not fixed properly. The screws are not tighting and the fan is wobbling around :(