Outdoor Growing in the UK desert.

Anglo Automatics

UK sown, UK grown
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Girl Scout Cookies Vape extract
Okay, so after two police busts last year I wasn't planning on doing a grow this year, but changed my mind at the last moment. I refuse to let the pigs win, so I decided to put out some autos this summer. Just a couple. But enough to get me by. Call me a bottle job, but...

Bubba Kush auto and OG Kush CBD auto...









This summer has been very, very dry. I haven't had any rain in about 6 or 7 weeks now, not since May, and when coupled with temperatures between 25-35C every day, the ground and surrounding environment is now bone dry. As dry as I have ever seen it. The nearby streams and rivers have all dried up completely and disappeared, so I cannot collect water. I am having to fill up water bottles on an almost daily basis and get out to water the little f*ckers.




I'm a bit behind on my journal, so updates will be coming thick and fast...
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Nice pics, I take it you're doing a gerilla grow, that's brave in the UK, I've been thinking of doing a few down here in Devon however the only places far enough away from the public and close enough to carry water is on the coast for me, not sure how they would fair against the sea air. I'm growing a couple in the garden this year 1st time growing autos. Good luck with the grow and the fuzz.

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Nice pics, I take it you're doing a gerilla grow, that's brave in the UK, I've been thinking of doing a few down here in Devon however the only places far enough away from the public and close enough to carry water is on the coast for me, not sure how they would fair against the sea air. I'm growing a couple in the garden this year 1st time growing autos. Good luck with the grow and the fuzz.

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Thanks mate. I have been guerrilla growing for a few years now, but this year is my smallest in terms of size, after a series of setbacks last year. If you are in Devon, you should not have to worry about watering plants at all when guerrilla growing, as it is nowhere near as warm or dry as it is in my neck of the woods. Assuming you put them in the ground that is. Even down here, I never usually have to water. This summer is a rare exception. And yeah, go inland away from the coast. Lower population density and lower humidity. Maybe try 2 or 3 guerrilla autos next year, to supplement the ones in your garden? All the best.
Anyway, my first plant of the year is down and drying now. OG Kush CBD auto. I did one of these last year in the cornfield but this one is much more fruitier with a bubblegum aroma. Definitely a different pheno and not purple like my last one. This was started early for an auto, in late April. Add to the fact it was grown in a 1.5L bottle and you can see why it didn't reach full potential...





It is so dry out that I am able to dry the side branch nugs in a shoe box, in the shade, in the woods. The main coala came home with me though.

The Bubba Kush auto that was started at the same time is still another week or so off finishing. Either caterpillars, or nute burn, has caused the main coala to be damaged and break off. Thankfully she has plenty of side shoots, considering it is in a 1.5L plastic bottle which is resting in a thorn bush haha.



I should have just put these straight into the ground, or a bigger pot, not a 1.5L bottle. It was only going to be a temporary measure but the roots grew so quick and I thought I would do more harm than good trying to get them out of their bottles, potentially stunting them, so I left them in there. Yield is down by at least 1/3 though, I would say because of this...
Off the back of my hanging basket success last year, I couldn't resist another shot at it this year. This is a Dinafem Sour Diesel auto. These pics were taken over a week ago when she was about 4 weeks old. Now she is closer to 6 weeks old...







Got some other Dinafem gear on the go as well...

Critical+ 2.0 auto

Quick Critical (new)

Quick Kush (new) - the slugs got this one (despite it being so dry) but it is already recovering.

Here is a more recent pic... the Quick Kush is recovering, but appears to be topped. This could be a blessing in disguise, I hope.
Off the back of my hanging basket success last year, I couldn't resist another shot at it this year. This is a Dinafem Sour Diesel auto. These pics were taken over a week ago when she was about 4 weeks old. Now she is closer to 6 weeks old...

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Got some other Dinafem gear on the go as well...

Critical+ 2.0 auto
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Quick Critical (new)
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Quick Kush (new) - the slugs got this one (despite it being so dry) but it is already recovering.
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Here is a more recent pic... the Quick Kush is recovering, but appears to be topped. This could be a blessing in disguise, I hope.
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Love the hanging basket idea.
I've seen a few posts recently of guerilla growers having their green girlies chomped by pesky critters. This keeps them out of reach [emoji3]

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Love the hanging basket idea.
I've seen a few posts recently of guerilla growers having their green girlies chomped by pesky critters. This keeps them out of reach [emoji3]

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk

Yeah, the main advantage to the baskets is that they are off the ground so slugs/snails aren't as much of a problem, and there is no way deers, or rabbits, can get to them for a munch. Basically the rule of thumb when guerrilla growing is, if it's in the ground, you cage it. Deer, rabbits, badgers, rodents, even foxes. All sorts of things that will either eat the plants or dig them up. I have had so many plants eaten by deer or dug out by badgers as they are territorial. They'll dig all the soil out of the hole as well and you'll never see the seedling again. This year I have relaxed a bit on the cages, so if something gets eaten I only have myself to blame.

I will say though, I got naive and lost two of my three hanging baskets this year as slugs/snails managed to get to them in May still, when we had our last significant rainfall, despite being off the ground in baskets. I didn't put down any pellets, thinking it would be fine and they got eaten down to the stalks. Although it could possibly have been caterpillars. Either way, hanging baskets minimises the risk, but doesn't eliminate it entirely.
Busted twice, surprised you got back in to this! Did you make any adjustments or just go back at it again?

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[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Busted twice, surprised you got back in to this! Did you make any adjustments or just go back at it again?

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]

Hey man, to clarify, I had my main plot busted by police the previous June, and lost about 20 plants. I didn't get caught as I wasn't there when it was raided, but it was a massive set back, soul destroying, especially when I had literally put hours upon hours, days upon days of prep and work into that spot as well, to make it perfect. And it is completely unusable now. That was 75% of my plants lost in the bust last year.

And then in the autumn, the police raided my house and found several outdoor photoperiod plants in my shed drying, as well as a lot of dry bud. They claim an officer smelt it a few days before when he came to my door, but I reckon a neighbour grassed on me, and they are just saying that to protect the neighbour's identity.

Even though I moved house at he start of the year, I was still a bit apprehensive about growing again, but I am going to keep it relatively small and discreet this year. All autos. Couldn't resist the urge :smoking: