Lighting Growage Life with GC

Getting ready for my photoperiod runs for spring. These will see the Autocob's reinstalled into tent for flower, maybe late in veg dependant on temps.

Pulled a pack of Insane Seed Posse's Insane Chem91, dropped in water and then wet paper towel in a sealable small Tupperware container atop the cable router. This method works well for me, so long as I don't forget about them. I have one seedling looking like it may show color..


Also dropped a pack of Tony Green's Tortured Bean's Gorilla Bubble. Looking fwd to running both of these strains, i'll update with some pics soon..
This season has been tough.. bad germination percentages. Dropped 10x ISP's IC91 and had 2 pop, one showed male and awaiting the other. Dropped 7x Tony Green's Tortured Beans Gorilla Bubble BX4, one survived and awaiting sex. One for 3 HSO Chemdawg also..

I think these beans sat in my sock drawer too long, I did start storing in a mini fridge I purchased for beans from here on out. 42*F..

I dropped 10x Greenpoint seeds DreamCatcher just recently and went 9 for 10.. these will run below BigSmo's autocobs.

New pup is a handful, almost 8 months and 80+lbs.

The CDLC i ran earlier this winter has been a surprise to me, very nice smoke! Just took down 4x Mephisto's SL X SB freebies, I ran them underfed.. lets see how they smoke in a month or so.

Been a weird winter here on east coast, today should see 60*F again..

I need to wipe down a tent and move things around a bit, i'll get pics up soon. Hope all are well..
Don’t beat yourself up on germinating you’re seeds. I have burned through hundreds of seeds in the past year and nothing seems to have any life left. I read once that they found seeds in some of the ancient pyramids and they actually germinated. Its amazing that they survived but even more fascinating that they decided it was worth doing.
So they popped ancient beans just to kill them? What was the point?

OK, so it's AutoCob season, temps should be manageable with improvements made to Growage. I pulled the HID from 3x3 and cleaned. Took 2 of my 5 Autocob's and installed along with new fan, fired it up and added 1x Gorilla Bubble (left rear) 1x IC91 (right rear) and 1x Chemdawg (front center). Started at 36" above canopy, fans reaching this am so i'll lower a bit today. I also placed an order with BigSmo this am.. one more autocob till I can grab two more later.



And the DreamCatchers are chugging along as well.


Next up is stripping down the 4x4 for a clean and Autocob setup. So far so good, things are looking up.
Hope like hell everyone out there is safe and taking every precaution to protect themselves and your families! Be smart and kind, keep an eye out for our elderly and ill.. limit your possibility of exposing anyone. God bless..

I purposely started a few more beans than I figured i would need. I want to run 2 taller plants in the 3x3, each under it's own autocob, hoping for 4 healthy females of the 9 DreamCatcher seedlings in the 4x4.. again one autocob per. There's also a ChemDawg in the mix, i'll be running it under a T5.

Started training the Chemdawg to keep it low and level, i'v had good results scrogging under a T5 in the early days and plan to do so unless I run short on females for the tents. I'v run these beans many times now, this will be my last in favor of finding a keeper Chem elsewhere. I think i'll be looking at Lucky Dog for this.


I found a very slight touch of PM on a few plants in this 3x3 tent, so I did a milk/water bath and thinning out inside these plants.. you'll notice a bit of milk residue on the leaves. These will be wiped again tonight.

The IC91 and Gorilla Bubble are two i plan to finish under the autocobs, i'll be taking a few cuts soon then flip about a week later. Thinned them out a bit and down low, veg a little longer before i switch.


And the Dreamcatcher's are coming along, stretched a bit so i lowered the autocob's. Hoping for 4 to 5 females, backup all and hope for a keeper. I have some curling going on with one plant, hoping it straightens out.



So i need to get AC installed before the weather warms too much, i figure late July before the growage gets shut down. Then hopefully i'll be able to go on the 2 month camping and fly fishing trip my son and i have planned.

Looking like plans I had to attend a Gene Traders event in MA in early May is probably gonna get cancelled, was hoping to pick up some genetics. Perhaps when I visit Colorado.. would love to tour a nice garden or two and possibly aquire some beans. Reach out if your in the area..

Again, stay safe... see y'all soon.
Ladies are looking good as ever! Start to something special. Hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
Thanks bro, hope you and yours are well also.

I decided to toss everything into flower yesterday, get these plants done. If all goes well i'll make a quick beeline trip into Philly for medium for an outside auto run come May.

God willing i'll be able to pack the Jeep and camper and head west come Sept.
I had enough trying to fight off the PM inside my 3x3 with the IC91 and Gorilla Bubble plants.. so i shit canned them and shut down that tent. I need to do a bleach cleaning..

The Dreamcatchers in the 4x4 seem to be doing much better, with occasional spraying of water/h2o2 keeping PM in this tent at barely existent. I flipped to flower and ended up with 4 females of the 9.. gives me plenty of room and airflow between plants.



Day 30 from switch, and PM seems to have caught up with the larger tent. I'm combating it with a water/milk mixture as needed.. and more frequent than the 10 day interval I read while researching. Today i'm just gonna concentrate on one plant in particular.

This one is the tallest, and building buds quicker and larger than the others so far. It also seems to be much more resistant to PM as it's not showing any at this point. This may be a plant I reveg...

Hope all are well.. this virus has hit our family in the past week. My sisters MIL tested positive in the nursing home and passed away last evening. She was in her early 90's and lived a great life, her death has her rejoining her husband and one of three son's. RIP Mrs Bliss..

I'm awaiting the National Forests opening here or local states soon, go do some dispersed camping and relax for awhile.

Hello AFN, hope all are well.

I ended up chopping these plants early, growage is shut down for deep clean and improvements. I want to look into a UV light for combatting PM.. that wasnt much fun trying to stay ahead of it.

In the meantime i got my veggie garden in, started 3x Mephisto ChemBubbly and 3x Mephisto Fantasmo Express. One CB did not make it for a total of 5 which are just a few days old.

My state opened up dispersed vehicle camping on the 15th, took advantage of it and headed out for a few days in the forest. Trout fishing is booming right now so my son and i will grab the fly rods and head out again soon before it gets too warm.

While this next run will be outside and not under Autocob's i'll try to share a few pics here and there.

Stay safe, stay smart.. this virus isnt over yet and some seem hell bent to create new outbreaks.