New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

Mar 27, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Widow & Pineapple. Dabbing Live Rosin as well
Welcome to my first ever grow, should be interesting :cheers:

I'm actually set up and running already, I wasn't thinking journal at that point lol... Anyway, lets get to deets!

I am growing in my basement in a 4X4X7 tent. My lighting is a 600W MH and I will more than likely be switching over to HPS for flowering (so many ppl seem to think this is better than MH all the way). Ventilation is sweet, I'm using the AC Infinity Cloudline T6 6" Inline fan, which includes a temp and humidity probe. I think this may have been a great choice as I have it set to come on for High Temps or Humidity only. This has allowed me to control my environment pretty well all by itself. Theres a small ceramic heater in there as my basement is currently cold AF. Growing medium is ProMix HP in 5 Gallon air pots. Nutes will be all AN but we're not there yet, the girls are still too young. I think that covers it all...

So here's where we're at with this grow. I purchased three strains from Dr Seeds (mentioned in title) and really had no clue how many plants I should begin with. I decided I would do one of each strain and dropped some beans into distilled water on March 23. After 18 hours, they sank to the bottom of their shot glasses so I pulled them. They went into wet paper towels and a baggie before getting tossed into the closet. Fast forward to March 25 for sprouting seeds... White Widow had 1/4" taproot showing, Pineapple was at 3/4", and Blackjack came in around 1/2". I went ahead and put these directly into the 5 gal pots and watered each with approx 1L Ph'd water (6.2). I only watered at the seed location as I'm trying to get that taproot to the bottom ASAP. I couldn't find any fancy domes to put over them so I used Dunkin Donut cups instead, friggen things work great haha! So here we are 6 days after wetting my first beans and I have these cute little girls starting to show their first leaves! I have been misting lightly and am now waiting for them to start developing further so that I can begin nutes.

So that pretty much covers where I'm at with my very first grow. I am curious as to what determines "Day 1" with the plants? The Nute schedule I will be following seems like a good one, just not sure when that clock starts :eek1:. Oh, once I figure the pics out, I'll toss some on here as well. I know there's a sticky post on the subject so I'll get over there today and figure this out. That's all for now!
White Widow is a hell of a strain to grow Brodsky

I’ve got a WW XXL by a different breeder

Hope your comes out as huge as mine!


I’ve got her in 6gallon DWC

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Always wanted to grow this strain, even before I seriously considered growing lol!! Now that things are legal here in Massachusetts, I can grow 6 at any given time so why the hell not?! Haha. Love that pic though
Hello @SaltyReefer and welcome to AFN:smiley1::smiley1:
Thanks! This site has been extremely informative and actually convinced me to go for it. It only makes sense that my first grow be shared so that I can have some folks to cry to every time I screw something up!!
Thanks! This site has been extremely informative and actually convinced me to go for it. It only makes sense that my first grow be shared so that I can have some folks to cry to every time I screw something up!!

I say the best part of growing is doing it on here with friends :) the process of learning from others can be quite joyous :)

This is a never ending hobby

Welcome friend!

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Always wanted to grow this strain, even before I seriously considered growing lol!! Now that things are legal here in Massachusetts, I can grow 6 at any given time so why the hell not?! Haha. Love that pic though
I'm sorry hello and welcome lack their usual vigour lol......I have a migraine headache today......I have read your post and it really sounds like you have things well under control.....I count first day when they breach.....happy growing:smiley1::smiley1:
I say the best part of growing is doing it on here with friends :) the process of learning from others can be quite joyous :)

This is a never ending hobby

Welcome friend!

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I used to grow coral in a pretty sweet salt water tank. Once I started this process, it honestly snapped me right into that “mode” of replicating nature and bearing her fruits! I know these things take time and patience and forums like these can be crucial in so many ways. I’m happy to be here to say the least