Grow your own in the outdoor heat,maybe Australia!!

Thanks heaps for the tag, really good info in here and so glad theres more Aussie growers out there dealing with the heat, I'll be following along for sure,temps near me are sitting anywhere between 32-37C most days, not a lot of humidity just unforgiving sun. Think a lot of my slowed progress is due to too much love more than anything lol
Yeah man there's a couple of us here battling with similar problems. Low humidity and high heat is one of the toughest things to grow in I find, when it's hot and humid my plants do a lot better. It's very doable to grow fantastic herb in our climate....32-37c you will be growing the dank in no time!! If you can, make a trip to your local bunnings and pick up the items in the first post, and order some canna specific nutes from Ebay. I like biobizz it's a very forgiving and easy to use nutrient, you can get away with Biobizz grow and bloom and a box of Epsom salts however if you can swing the extra few bucks get a bottle of cal/mg it's nearly priceless when you need it.
If i remember correctly you have 1 seed left? If you start it in a similar way as I have done above and follow along we should be able to get you a little bit of smoke at the end. There is a million different ways to grow weed this is just a simple way I've found that works for me. If you don't have access to an indoor space don't panic you can get to the finish line still, we will just do things a little differently from the start. Have you read through the articles linked in the first post? It's a great idea to do so, they were written by a fantastic grower with years of experience outdoors and contain very valuable info! After your seedlings sprouted introduce it to the sun very gradually to much too quickly will stress it to the point of no return. I like to start introducing seedlings to the sun from 5am to around 9am and then put them in the shade again until the last few hours of light in the afternoon, keeping an eye on them while they're in the sun for signs of stress.
If you want me to go over a subject in more detail or cover something I've forgotten along the way just sing out, remember the only dumb question here is the one you didn't ask! @smokeyfromau you too bud don't be scared to ask any questions we will all learn something from them....if I don't know the answer there's guys here that will!
Thanks heaps for the tag, really good info in here and so glad theres more Aussie growers out there dealing with the heat, I'll be following along for sure,temps near me are sitting anywhere between 32-37C most days, not a lot of humidity just unforgiving sun. Think a lot of my slowed progress is due to too much love more than anything lol
Thanks Green Bandit, yes, i worry more in a dry north western wind vs a humid north east wind, for the plants, they seem to take the heat well, any plant i guess dry heat is bad.

With the powerfeed they say once a week and i am using 1/4 (5ml). You would use the Biobizz once a week also?
I use biobizz with every watering, I would try every second watering and watch for deficiencies increase strength as you go. I've never used the power feed so that's only a guess @Weed Warrior any advice on how to use non canna specific nutes?
Thanks Green Bandit, yes, i worry more in a dry north western wind vs a humid north east wind, for the plants, they seem to take the heat well, any plant i guess dry heat is bad.

With the powerfeed they say once a week and i am using 1/4 (5ml). You would use the Biobizz once a week also?
Thanks Green Bandit, yes, i worry more in a dry north western wind vs a humid north east wind, for the plants, they seem to take the heat well, any plant i guess dry heat is bad.

With the powerfeed they say once a week and i am using 1/4 (5ml). You would use the Biobizz once a week also?
I use biobizz with every watering, I would try every second watering and watch for deficiencies increase strength as you go. I've never used the power feed so that's only a guess @Weed Warrior any advice on how to use non canna specific nutes?

What is the NPK on biobizz and also on powerfeed?
I use biobizz with every watering, I would try every second watering and watch for deficiencies increase strength as you go. I've never used the power feed so that's only a guess @Weed Warrior any advice on how to use non canna specific nutes?
Thanks mate! Yes, maybe i can try every 2nd day and see how that goes. atm they seem stalked abit. Drainage holes on pots always damp. I water 5 pots with just 1 watering can 9L.
Nice thread. Australia you say. Taken today at the backdoor.

opps i missed your question Weed Warrior and Bandit

The Powerfeed is a purple bottle concentrate Interesting different figures for WA (western australia)

N is 9.5% P 1.6% and K is 7.5%

WA is diffrent N 7.7% P 1.3% K 6%

Hmmmm...powerfeed(both versions) would be made more as a vegetative formula, rather than a bloom booster. High in nitrogen will push leaves(not flower), and high in potassium(K) will push a strong branching system(which will aid in flower). For an ideal bloom booster to go along with biobizz bloom 2-7-4 , something like 1-5-4 ratio would work.