Grow your own in the outdoor heat,maybe Australia!!

@hecno @Waira @Growtogrow @Weed Warrior @G.Leave @Maria Sanchez anything else you guys can think of I should add? I'm going to include a failures I have had section, I will also journal a plant doing the same thing I've written about. Also add in anything you guys come up with that I may have forgotten...I'm trying to get it so it's simple and easy yet comprehensive enough for beginners to understand and hopefully have a successful first grow in similar conditions

:greenthumb: GB mate, great thread idea! you already have a fine start, and the right peep's in on this,... :clapper:
I'll swing back later, I'm on the run now... gotta get some major division/transplant work done on the pitcher plants, already coming out of dormancy, todaaaaay,...:coffee: :doh:
Any input would be more than welcome...I'm a little bit stuck with what else I should add? @Mossy anything else you can see I've missed? Any tips on growing dank in the heat?
Hey @Mossy might have some more information on growing in the heat?
also when I start the journal for it can I somehow delete all the posts I have in here that are my stoned jabber?...I would like to have it semi on track from the first post.
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I think it would be beneficial to start a list of strains that have performed and also ones that failed. If you have available pics, add pics of plants with heat stress and also root heat stress. Pics of insects and damage caused as well. Compile information into future plants grown...some might have little to no caterpillar damage, yet some are magnets? I feel like some plants simply smell better and taste better to different insects and therefore are targeted while others in the same location are not bothered....
I was also thinking about a brief rundown on how/why I've been running certain strains in different times of year? I have only grown out 14 strains from start to finish so far...I'm going to try a LOT more strains this year and maybe able to add more about what works for me as I find out? I'm a little scarce on pics, due to security concerns early on in my growing days. I'm not so worried about that anymore so will be trying to document everything I grow from now on. Just trying to spitball more ideas at present......thanks very much for the help buddy, I've never tried to right anything before and am a bit clueless about what I'm doing. Does it flow better now? I'm hoping by including a step by step journal included might make it easier to follow what I'm doing?
I think it would be beneficial to start a list of strains that have performed and also ones that failed. If you have available pics, add pics of plants with heat stress and also root heat stress. Pics of insects and damage caused as well. Compile information into future plants grown...some might have little to no caterpillar damage, yet some are magnets? I feel like some plants simply smell better and taste better to different insects and therefore are targeted while others in the same location are not bothered....
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Hows about an explanation of your daylight hours, and how the varied seasons affects your climate in regards to rain, humidity and temperature, and also if it affects how you grow in the different seasons. Things like longest days, shortest days, how many minutes of daylight you lose daily after the longest day are all easily found on daylight hours charts for your area.
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:bow:Nice one mate! appears I've forgotten about the most important part affecting how we grow..... climate :crying: .
Hows about an explanation of your daylight hours, and how that affects your climate in regards to rain, humidity and temperature, and also if it affects how you grow in different seasons. Things like longest days, shortest days, how many minuteoiof daylight you lose daily after the longest day are all easily found on daylight hours charts for your area.