I wouldn't worry to much about dust getting inside the diffuser as its sealed with a gasket and if it's hung in a grow room gravity will stop dust from settling on the front of the diffuser,I've never needed to clean the optics of any of my other lights so doubt I will need to now.
Ok, Question........both my HS1.1 with a 60 x 90 diffuser is gaping in a nice curve on the inside side of the diffuser, in the middle by 3-4 millimeters, and is not sealed........I can already see dust on the side of the diffuser facing the diodes. It actually looks like it is a deliberate design, both are identical in the way they gape on the same side.
The outward side is sealed fine and both "ends". I'm talking about the 90 degree outward side, i'e the long side, and the 60 degree short ends.
Is this the way it is supposed to be ?